53 changed files
4719 additions
0 deletions
Too many changes to show.
To preserve performance only 53 of 1339 files are displayed.
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
1 | +APP_ENV=local | |
2 | +APP_KEY=base64:8i/NA9BZqqS8Rd/tL3ctIGKsh37OkOrY3iRXoxLr1HQ= | |
3 | +APP_DEBUG=true | |
4 | +APP_LOG_LEVEL=debug | |
5 | +APP_URL= | |
6 | +APP_LOCALE=zh | |
8 | +APP_LOCALE_PHP=zh_CN | |
10 | + | |
12 | + | |
13 | +SMS_BASE_URL= | |
14 | +SMS_TEMPLATE_URL=sendtemplate.action | |
15 | +SMS_CODE_URL=sendcode.action | |
16 | +SMS_VERIFY_URL=verifycode.action | |
17 | +SMS_APP_KEY=ebf758ec81cf9a4cbb7b59eefef0a9ee | |
18 | +SMS_APP_SECRET=e4cc7ab12c8f | |
19 | +SMS_CODE_LEN=4 | |
20 | + | |
21 | +APP_STORE_HACK_ON=1 | |
22 | +APP_STORE_HACK_TELEPHONE=15501681055 | |
23 | +APP_STORE_HACK_SMS=1989 | |
24 | + | |
26 | +HE_CLOUD_API_KEY=aFpHq1TkvggQrHkTgMlTKA2pXAI= | |
27 | +HE_CLOUD_TOKEN=Rqb8bogu6hchuIMaNzfzFpsDDOSuxKJB | |
29 | + | |
30 | +QINIU_ACCESS_KEY=wlMcrYajGXGtzOfzJKtVRhx_nyk_NDLhWs43sACg | |
31 | +QINIU_SECRET=UUpPA9ek1VAuFEqHhNa-kw6bTL83D1UKYPBU2tqz | |
33 | +QINIU_USER_BUCKET=user | |
35 | +QINIU_SHOP_BUCKET=shop | |
37 | +QINIU_REPAIR_BUCKET=repair | |
39 | + | |
41 | + | |
42 | +AMAP_API_URL= | |
43 | +AMAP_KEY=de5fb056635efe79e01afbe47d1563de | |
44 | + | |
45 | +WECHAT_APPID=wx4891d9f7b1305812 | |
46 | +WECHAT_APPSECRET=0bfa4f989ffe981623074a30784b9c3c | |
47 | + | |
48 | +WECHAT_MINI_PROGRAM_ID=wx3c08b58c17c85a13 | |
49 | +WECHAT_MINI_PROGRAM_SECRET=21025e813ef22e4cfef6d583bcb766e2 | |
50 | + | |
51 | +WECHAT_MCHID=1446773302 | |
52 | +WECHAT_KEY=xiaobanjMHSkIp96j8MB8xKxbWebl9jE | |
57 | +WECHAT_SSL_CERT_PATH=app/Certs/Wechat/apiclient_cert.pem | |
58 | +WECHAT_SSL_KEY_PATH=app/Certs/Wechat/apiclient_key.pem | |
59 | + | |
60 | +QQ_ANDROID_APP_ID=1106267569 | |
61 | +QQ_ANDROID_APP_SECRET=G7FtJy6p0pSaB9ro | |
62 | +QQ_iOS_APP_ID=1106267645 | |
64 | + | |
65 | +ALIPAY_APPID=2017070107614869 | |
66 | +ALIPAY_MINIPROGRAM_APPID=2017090908631937 | |
67 | +ALIPAY_PUB_KEY=app/Certs/Alipay/alipay_public_key.pem | |
68 | +ALIPAY_MCH_PUB_KEY=app/Certs/Alipay/alipay_mch_public_key.pem | |
69 | +ALIPAY_MCH_PRIVATE_KEY=app/Certs/Alipay/alipay_mch_private_key.pem | |
70 | +ALIPAY_MINIPROGRAM_PUB_KEY=app/Certs/Alipay/alipay_miniprogram_public_key.pem | |
71 | +ALIPAY_MINIPROGRAM_PRIVATE_KEY=app/Certs/Alipay/alipay_miniprogram_private_key.pem | |
72 | + | |
73 | +SHOP_RANGE=5 | |
74 | +SHOP_SEARCH_RANGE=20 | |
75 | + | |
76 | +DB_CONNECTION=mysql | |
77 | +DB_HOST= | |
78 | +DB_PORT=3306 | |
79 | +DB_DATABASE=suishenwan | |
80 | +DB_USERNAME=root | |
81 | +DB_PASSWORD=123123 | |
82 | + | |
83 | +SESSION_DRIVER=database | |
84 | +QUEUE_DRIVER=sync | |
85 | + | |
86 | +JWT_SECRET=ieButHiml02OljSkQV2sWcMA6gHcrVxb | |
87 | + | |
88 | +WECHAT_MINI_PROGRAM_ID=wx3185fb4a3633beb0 | |
89 | +WECHAT_MINI_PROGRAM_SECRET=f60f2550f098eddfe4a8ff86bcf80fc0 | |
90 | + | |
91 | + | |
92 | +TENCENT_MQ_HOST= | |
94 | +TENCENT_MQ_SECRET_KEY=wnXDmFbqy1yoXhmldQ8kEf1GOPLBufMy | |
95 | +TENCENT_OPEN_TOPIC=test-open | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
1 | +/node_modules | |
2 | +/public/storage | |
3 | +/public/hot | |
4 | +/storage/*.key | |
5 | +/vendor | |
6 | +.idea | |
7 | +Homestead.json | |
8 | +Homestead.yaml | |
9 | +.env | |
10 | +.DS_Store | |
11 | +Thumbs.db | |
12 | +*.sublime-project | |
13 | +*.sublime-workspace | |
14 | +.project | |
15 | +/nbproject | |
16 | +_ide_helper.php | |
17 | +composer.phar | |
18 | +error.log | |
19 | +Todo.rtf | |
20 | +.vagrant | |
21 | +/.vagrant | |
22 | +npm-debug.log | |
23 | +yarn-error.log | |
24 | +/public/jpush.log | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +preset: laravel | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +git: | |
2 | + submodules: false | |
3 | + | |
4 | +language: php | |
5 | + | |
6 | +cache: | |
7 | + directories: | |
8 | + - vendor | |
9 | + - $HOME/.composer/cache | |
10 | +php: | |
11 | + - 5.6 | |
12 | + - 7.0 | |
13 | + - 7.1 | |
14 | + | |
15 | +matrix: | |
16 | + fast_finish: true | |
17 | + include: | |
18 | + - php: 7.0.12 # for coverage | |
19 | + env: DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_DATABASE=boilerplate_test DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD='' DB_PORT=3306 EXEC_COVERAGE=true | |
20 | + sudo: required | |
21 | + dist: trusty | |
22 | + exclude: | |
23 | + - php: 5.6 | |
24 | + env: DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_DATABASE=boilerplate_test DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD='' DB_PORT=3306 EXEC_COVERAGE=true | |
25 | + - php: 7.0 | |
26 | + env: DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_DATABASE=boilerplate_test DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD='' DB_PORT=3306 EXEC_COVERAGE=true | |
27 | + - php: 7.1 | |
28 | + env: DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_DATABASE=boilerplate_test DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD='' DB_PORT=3306 EXEC_COVERAGE=true | |
29 | + allow_failures: | |
30 | + - env: DB_DATABASE=sqlite | |
31 | + - php: 7.0.12 # dist: trusty A dummy to run trusty, the test is not actually executed | |
32 | + env: DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_DATABASE=boilerplate_test DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD='' DB_PORT=3306 EXEC_COVERAGE=true | |
33 | + | |
34 | +before_install: | |
35 | + - if [[ "$DB_CONNECTION" == "pgsql" ]]; then psql -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS boilerplate_test;" -U postgres; fi | |
36 | + - if [[ "$DB_CONNECTION" == "pgsql" ]]; then psql -c "create database boilerplate_test;" -U postgres; fi | |
37 | + - if [[ "$DB_CONNECTION" == "mysql" ]]; then mysql -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS boilerplate_test;" -uroot; fi | |
38 | + | |
39 | +env: | |
40 | + - DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_DATABASE=boilerplate_test DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD='' DB_PORT=3306 | |
41 | + - DB_CONNECTION=pgsql DB_DATABASE=boilerplate_test DB_USERNAME=postgres DB_PASSWORD='' DB_PORT=5432 | |
42 | + - DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_DATABASE=boilerplate_test DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD='' DB_PORT=3306 EXEC_COVERAGE=true | |
43 | + - DB_DATABASE=sqlite | |
44 | + | |
45 | +before_script: | |
46 | + - if [[ $EXEC_COVERAGE != 'true' ]]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini ; fi | |
47 | + - if [[ $EXEC_COVERAGE = 'true' ]]; then echo "memory_limit=-1" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini ; fi | |
48 | + - composer self-update || true | |
49 | + - composer install --dev --no-interaction -o --no-scripts | |
50 | + - composer run-script post-root-package-install | |
51 | + - composer run-script post-create-project-cmd | |
52 | + - composer run-script post-install-cmd | |
53 | + | |
54 | + | |
55 | +script: | |
56 | + - if [[ $EXEC_COVERAGE = 'true' ]]; then phpdbg -qrr ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=coverage.clover ; fi | |
57 | + - if [[ $EXEC_COVERAGE != 'true' ]]; then ./vendor/bin/phpunit ; fi | |
58 | + | |
59 | +after_success: | |
60 | + - if [[ $EXEC_COVERAGE = 'true' ]]; then php vendor/bin/coveralls -v -x coverage.clover ; fi | |
61 | + | |
62 | +after_failure: | |
63 | + - cat storage/logs/laravel-`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`.log | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +#Suishengwan webservice project | |
2 | + | |
3 | +#### Init steps | |
4 | +1. clone project | |
5 | +``` | |
6 | +git clone git@ | |
7 | +``` | |
8 | + | |
9 | +2. Go to project directory, rename .env.example to .env | |
10 | +``` | |
11 | +mv .env.example .env | |
12 | +``` | |
13 | + | |
14 | +3. run `composer update` | |
15 | + | |
16 | +4. modify .env file to change db connections | |
17 | +``` | |
18 | +DB_CONNECTION=mysql | |
19 | +DB_HOST= | |
20 | +DB_PORT=3306 | |
21 | +DB_DATABASE=suishenwan | |
22 | +DB_USERNAME=root | |
23 | +DB_PASSWORD=123123 | |
24 | +``` | |
25 | + | |
26 | +5. run migration to create the database tables | |
27 | +``` | |
28 | +php artisan migrate --seed | |
29 | +``` | |
30 | + | |
31 | +6. use git subtree to use shared components | |
32 | +``` | |
33 | +//init remote | |
34 | +git remote add modules git@ | |
35 | +git remote add common git@ | |
36 | +git remote add db git@ | |
37 | +//subtree add modules | |
38 | +git subtree add --prefix=app/Modules modules master --squash | |
39 | +git subtree add --prefix=app/Common common master --squash | |
40 | +git subtree add --prefix=database db master --squash | |
41 | +``` | |
42 | + | |
43 | +7. use your own branch to start develop | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- | |
2 | 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 | |
3 | +-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- | |
2 | +MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA4G2FytLndzQPksUkOlAtv1WbQYsg4M5YUcWOcFn/fJlGUNZrHWV3V+7zHP/tdm30ecaQbIodjhnzsQZ/TumF55x+4AeTeqLFuS0DELYkJn3rX/r3xNviaP+1Dkuqon/RgmAIzh0XAU2DJIZ6otooqhA2ZtonFl+T5xKH9bPBATOyupZQ1YGsS+dpGtt9Pk1zla5xTU70s7r6z5GnWKQTekGAgxYt2NT7zjEf/I8nfAmEXpvMwDOhZnNgav47lkDmogn+CXNdwMiOLGhl/G/ZdumgE9gk4QIBO/oQtrYtbNyZbCBg5eqZiN6cOXOmyfey3zYaI0TcQPte15oIHS35hQIDAQAB | |
3 | +-----END PUBLIC KEY----- | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
1 | +-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- | |
2 | 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 | |
3 | +-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
1 | +-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- | |
2 | +MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAx/lG8E1hDTDEFoYQtJMjCO0XHoaphq5MFv1WZtBvo6vJ4GSjwkF8z9yS2s54z/oLbR2m0ddo0Q8+rv2KTCBhvZz5zd/72Ynwu8WXemgGnHyhjyq13Q4gkcymukonP0XECQvlVCr3pu3YLv0uVzC7B+zTby5rdOqW9DgwfkS8QWHa3HonBxg1dknhAmS3Rl43sWPv71C5V9O24Ud865PbhMP3kPnIeNXkngQHFfq8LRgKNr7YK8Cww4AgN2wUenGLIZrnYl2rXTHTNcjFHqvUb/egQrjM+CxKoKqNnXRPpz+0DIa66Vh46uRr+vJYcayptBk42HYF8lWKbtzfGp8F0QIDAQAB | |
3 | +-----END PUBLIC KEY----- | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- | |
2 | +MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2J8XSVliMFk51D6BTB2otLINtmIJYWjgDzOhSJbENz8zevWbMFndLfbkBdutmHrlsZM1wSn7tR3wugs0px1EaX9c9hBuET+7fIlya8sc7iUaJiI+S5sL60vK2A5yM8Rlx2yJNg4MYgMjty0wFogQd2V9aCThriW796rYLuqIHrgt5DWSaBYYuvZDQjYdvnd1p4agJOEux1LfVjtkcgu9UBfwg5oWL5RZpWiI5tR7MG0JOzZbrAY+EPOtOnh5tWoEjOZiQD6E0XcmOO4jOxI7x5DJ2om+AHHU3cpVUqRt/F6tKbnxuv8R406ZQZyJ5omK3/8G+ibb8keYuv+qMzHANwIDAQAB | |
3 | +-----END PUBLIC KEY----- | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- | |
8 | +CxMFTU1QYXkxMDAuBgNVBAMUJ+iLj+W3numaj+i6q+eOqeS/oeaBr+aKgOacr+ac | |
11 | +Y6rRqWa4UtmLn+y2Dq3Bqj0JV9/hpxH4XDGmyVEPoeX1vrvjY+hZa5vsHo5iAowC | |
12 | ++/5tfbSK0MCIqLVu32RUL/2XNKzu1uI9qJCyG5S5xviwY+LUsIiQVSYS68xxPmQi | |
13 | +UvB/Si7nPVu8flQp/CErGj67+UnfRstzdlXmIedVZI2B/zDY36GWz99OcC1vKAoH | |
14 | +1Qyr0djSPKUjBW728SgKgt7koS1DV4tQdd+Z3d0JUMaf1xC3HQgYxrIsOAo/mRki | |
15 | +fCvRG19WB6UgQn57pAPQ1aRmc8uHoc4K0t5PG3z3AgMBAAGjggFGMIIBQjAJBgNV | |
17 | +YXRlIjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUkwjPtBG/QHSUDjRnzQs7jkYgkHwwgb8GA1UdIwSBtzCB | |
18 | +tIAUPgUm9iJitBVbiM1kfrDUYqflhnShgZCkgY0wgYoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkNOMRIw | |
21 | +hkiG9w0BCQEWEG1tcGF5bWNoQHRlbmNlbnSCCQC7VJcrvADoVzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8E | |
23 | +NkWBjd8qNtg5LT8u+lns5kmoqMgJmPqWsLkeAdDzGQgk0umVIivnbvjBK9gyQDo8 | |
24 | +M3uQjHDOeoL9kpYQoZCzcC/0NqMluXjmvfXiarc1lv2RYu4nNoUVp4ix/15dFhML | |
25 | +pS65pTZ3LXXDigY76nFOu6XztJNvylnDZ/c7nejsC3g= | |
26 | +-----END CERTIFICATE----- | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- | |
3 | +gWZQGtAEFoyiAMEcGKWKxDAXA+7RTzkHY6rRqWa4UtmLn+y2Dq3Bqj0JV9/hpxH4 | |
4 | +XDGmyVEPoeX1vrvjY+hZa5vsHo5iAowC+/5tfbSK0MCIqLVu32RUL/2XNKzu1uI9 | |
5 | +qJCyG5S5xviwY+LUsIiQVSYS68xxPmQiUvB/Si7nPVu8flQp/CErGj67+UnfRstz | |
6 | +dlXmIedVZI2B/zDY36GWz99OcC1vKAoH1Qyr0djSPKUjBW728SgKgt7koS1DV4tQ | |
7 | +dd+Z3d0JUMaf1xC3HQgYxrIsOAo/mRkifCvRG19WB6UgQn57pAPQ1aRmc8uHoc4K | |
8 | +0t5PG3z3AgMBAAECggEAIepAan8AEjEH3dl50FKm1VjTT4up6i1gY9EWPQyejFP3 | |
9 | +sUblMmMThp8tDP3y0LtgiqD7+sbrIrOoLCl0catYsHfUay8T3tbJBYtDGDx5ID6f | |
10 | +OX1UDUQWHO9H0BFczHNMDQPdPgoNL8qcbSegG2vVvpm6Kr6yRhxAWTSEQHK0l7nS | |
11 | +F30WM0uTtu4iaJi71MCvZZSHiRkr1hJettfeECJYZoCxxKpI/+DXV2bi1xVbyBTl | |
12 | +k4/n6sBV7lSS5ELsm4RGkV9YIMuHmjeV0qGn4pnvt79tCK72KAP5a06OorrVHUqH | |
13 | +IKymJqi8MTPceI4h2D2Q3XN0YUUjAsko2bg54kQBgQKBgQD4dck0IizWQdu2fb3W | |
14 | +n/42I7XEA9YtgXuiQRAnSgzTi6Yk98vcVyDDUi4xfw8JzxvPSpIlItJVEEiQSJOt | |
15 | +9nK6VXW5ZAGiG6C2RKrtZ4bWEYmp57C0mu3Q3X7NBez/mRkvkc2p64ZN4o9p4pBL | |
16 | +NKow0EFH+0LaTVHkgef39Qh91wKBgQDlD1f3p8jtClIYMYKrLjW7wUmd2+o+VpFT | |
17 | +Dkfx39Kx9GzS0UdpwUAXdrWX8a9q33raMj0hih5GSc0hYOA+TVZ7feZxwDwvfsra | |
18 | +uY/9Z7ShoYKs35Tz0i6quqQtbOz47bDo63uvivf8C/juXR+tdJFt8Dw7he9v7IT5 | |
19 | +sduzVXfV4QKBgQCGJFmf+v+IIgB0k4jF8pV2N2twS737zZepb0VAYRtxr0jhVqPK | |
20 | +74Nx0NG9yWKeIiJalWE4CYfTgzoaJAUPfCpO7crkb9jt48qt/X7nM+i5dLiFceCW | |
21 | +cbsJ9Dv8h0GAcfEGHMsT/WQCctqJCVhsMh/cwOMt8LsUT4ByRayu061k+wKBgQC0 | |
22 | +Pz22uUZoGS3+sb8kWwmXhIMcgHg0s8RJujws/jb7J98Wie6LLrHzhMtjFKE4FUHE | |
23 | +P7JRGTG3l82ejXAINq1uIeVb76yspzaTpV/ERX4jjkeZJ5s7vlJQsOwOft9/BvOm | |
24 | +Zd9/hHid0wIA+DC8OrVR8LBFGqEOzuzY2/eJiCDzoQKBgQDmPl4D02GIeORgO46R | |
25 | +/SVVMdK4/wz9OhwaWX2NNkHi6d5YZjR+e0w7XmmmT1n8C+Dcf0i3EdSCH2ci9kYU | |
26 | +dQ5A0wHPVYX1tw6yeqQYXYyfVHwcLCZO4sTJXUwD2OZ4AncjhI3PG1YnhJUov0Y8 | |
27 | +dVXi8bkgyP/Wo47YevasN7t2qQ== | |
28 | +-----END PRIVATE KEY----- | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 13/03/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 1:40 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +/** | |
13 | + * Class Alipay | |
14 | + * @package App\Common | |
15 | + */ | |
16 | +/** | |
17 | + * Class Alipay | |
18 | + * @package App\Common | |
19 | + */ | |
20 | + | |
21 | +use App\Common\Enums\AlipayLoginType; | |
22 | +use App\Common\Util\OrderUtil; | |
23 | +use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; | |
24 | + | |
25 | +/** | |
26 | + * Class Alipay | |
27 | + * @package App\Common | |
28 | + */ | |
29 | +class Alipay | |
30 | +{ | |
31 | + /** | |
32 | + * order Id | |
33 | + * @var | |
34 | + */ | |
35 | + private $order_id; | |
36 | + | |
37 | + /** | |
38 | + * Order price | |
39 | + * @var | |
40 | + */ | |
41 | + private $price; | |
42 | + | |
43 | + /** | |
44 | + * pay description | |
45 | + * @var | |
46 | + */ | |
47 | + private $body; | |
48 | + | |
49 | + /** | |
50 | + * @var | |
51 | + */ | |
52 | + private $subject; | |
53 | + | |
54 | + /** | |
55 | + * Callback Url | |
56 | + * @var | |
57 | + */ | |
58 | + private $call_back_url; | |
59 | + | |
60 | + /** | |
61 | + * @var | |
62 | + */ | |
63 | + private $refund_fee; | |
64 | + | |
65 | + /** | |
66 | + * @var | |
67 | + */ | |
68 | + private $refund_id; | |
69 | + | |
70 | + /** | |
71 | + * @var | |
72 | + */ | |
73 | + private $op_user_id; | |
74 | + | |
75 | + /** | |
76 | + * @var | |
77 | + */ | |
78 | + private $pay_no; | |
79 | + | |
80 | + /** | |
81 | + * WechatPay constructor. | |
82 | + * @param $order_id | |
83 | + * @param $price | |
84 | + * @param $body | |
85 | + * @param $call_back_url | |
86 | + */ | |
87 | + public function __construct($order_id="", $price=0, $body="", $call_back_url="", $subject="") | |
88 | + { | |
89 | + $this->order_id = $order_id; | |
90 | + $this->price = $price; | |
91 | + $this->body = $body; | |
92 | + $this->call_back_url = $call_back_url; | |
93 | + $this->subject = $subject; | |
94 | + } | |
95 | + | |
96 | + /** | |
97 | + * @param mixed $refund_fee | |
98 | + */ | |
99 | + public function setRefundFee($refund_fee) | |
100 | + { | |
101 | + $this->refund_fee = $refund_fee; | |
102 | + } | |
103 | + | |
104 | + /** | |
105 | + * @param mixed $op_user_id | |
106 | + */ | |
107 | + public function setOpUserId($op_user_id) | |
108 | + { | |
109 | + $this->op_user_id = $op_user_id; | |
110 | + } | |
111 | + | |
112 | + /** | |
113 | + * @param mixed $refund_id | |
114 | + */ | |
115 | + public function setRefundId($refund_id) | |
116 | + { | |
117 | + $this->refund_id = $refund_id; | |
118 | + } | |
119 | + | |
120 | + /** | |
121 | + * @param mixed $pay_no | |
122 | + */ | |
123 | + public function setPayNo($pay_no) | |
124 | + { | |
125 | + $this->pay_no = $pay_no; | |
126 | + } | |
127 | + | |
128 | + /** | |
129 | + * @param $success | |
130 | + * @param $error_messge | |
131 | + * @param string $payInfo | |
132 | + * @return array | |
133 | + */ | |
134 | + private function response($success, $error_messge, $payInfo="") | |
135 | + { | |
136 | + $result = array('success'=>$success, 'error_message'=>$error_messge, 'payInfo'=>$payInfo); | |
137 | + | |
138 | + return $result; | |
139 | + } | |
140 | + | |
141 | + /** | |
142 | + * @param $type | |
143 | + * @return \AopClient | |
144 | + */ | |
145 | + private function getAopClient($type = AlipayLoginType::APP) | |
146 | + { | |
147 | + $aop = new \AopClient(); | |
148 | + $aop->gatewayUrl = ""; | |
149 | + $aop->appId = $type == AlipayLoginType::APP ? config('') : config(''); | |
150 | + $aop->rsaPrivateKeyFilePath = $type == AlipayLoginType::APP ? config('') : config(''); | |
151 | + $aop->format = "json"; | |
152 | + $aop->charset = "UTF-8"; | |
153 | + $aop->signType = "RSA2"; | |
154 | + $aop->alipayPublicKey=config(''); | |
155 | + | |
156 | + return $aop; | |
157 | + } | |
158 | + | |
159 | + /** | |
160 | + * 获取第三方登录字串 | |
161 | + * | |
162 | + * @return string | |
163 | + */ | |
164 | + public function getAppAuthCode() | |
165 | + { | |
166 | + $params = array( | |
167 | + "apiname" => '', | |
168 | + "method" => '', | |
169 | + "app_id"=> config(''), | |
170 | + "app_name"=>'mc', | |
171 | + "biz_type" => 'openservice', | |
172 | + 'pid' => '2088721389489661', | |
173 | + 'product_id' => 'APP_FAST_LOGIN', | |
174 | + 'scope' => 'kuaijie', | |
175 | + 'target_id' => OrderUtil::generateCosumeOrderId(), | |
176 | + "auth_type" => 'AUTHACCOUNT', | |
177 | + "sign_type" => 'RSA2' | |
178 | + ); | |
179 | + | |
180 | + $aop = $this->getAopClient(); | |
181 | + $sign = $aop->generateSign($params, 'RSA2'); | |
182 | + $params['sign'] = $sign; | |
183 | + | |
184 | + return http_build_query($params); | |
185 | + } | |
186 | + | |
187 | + /** | |
188 | + * 无线账户授权 | |
189 | + * | |
190 | + * @param $code | |
191 | + * @param $type | |
192 | + * @return bool|mixed|\SimpleXMLElement | |
193 | + */ | |
194 | + public function alipaySystemAccountAuth($code, $type = AlipayLoginType::APP) | |
195 | + { | |
196 | + $aop = $this->getAopClient($type); | |
197 | + | |
198 | + $request = new \AlipaySystemOauthTokenRequest(); | |
199 | + $request->setCode($code); | |
200 | + $request->setGrantType('authorization_code'); | |
201 | + | |
202 | + $response = $aop->execute($request); | |
203 | + | |
204 | + Log::info('response is $response!'); | |
205 | + | |
206 | + if (isset($response->alipay_system_oauth_token_response)) | |
207 | + { | |
208 | + return ['access_token' => $response->alipay_system_oauth_token_response->access_token, 'user_id'=> $response->alipay_system_oauth_token_response->user_id]; | |
209 | + } | |
210 | + | |
211 | + return false; | |
212 | + } | |
213 | + | |
214 | + /** | |
215 | + * 用户信息共享 | |
216 | + * | |
217 | + * @param $access_token | |
218 | + * @param $type | |
219 | + * @return bool|mixed|\SimpleXMLElement | |
220 | + */ | |
221 | + public function alipayUserInfoShare($access_token, $type = AlipayLoginType::APP) | |
222 | + { | |
223 | + $aop = $this->getAopClient($type); | |
224 | + $request = new \AlipayUserInfoShareRequest(); | |
225 | + | |
226 | + $response = $aop->execute($request, $access_token); | |
227 | + | |
228 | + Log::info('response is $response!'); | |
229 | + | |
230 | + if (isset($response->alipay_user_info_share_response)) | |
231 | + { | |
232 | + return (array)$response->alipay_user_info_share_response; | |
233 | + } | |
234 | + | |
235 | + return false; | |
236 | + } | |
237 | + | |
238 | + /** | |
239 | + * @param $property_id | |
240 | + * @return array|bool | |
241 | + */ | |
242 | + public function alipayTradePrecreate($property_id) | |
243 | + { | |
244 | + $aop = $this->getAopClient(); | |
245 | + | |
246 | + $bizContent = $this->getPrecreateAppBizContent($property_id); | |
247 | + $request = new \AlipayTradePrecreateRequest(); | |
248 | + $request->setNotifyUrl($this->call_back_url); | |
249 | + $request->setBizContent($bizContent); | |
250 | + | |
251 | + $response = $aop->execute($request); | |
252 | + if (isset($response->alipay_trade_precreate_response)) | |
253 | + { | |
254 | + return (array)$response->alipay_trade_precreate_response; | |
255 | + } | |
256 | + | |
257 | + return false; | |
258 | + } | |
259 | + | |
260 | + /** | |
261 | + * @param $property_id | |
262 | + * | |
263 | + * @return string | |
264 | + */ | |
265 | + private function getPrecreateAppBizContent($property_id) | |
266 | + { | |
267 | + $param = array( | |
268 | + "out_trade_no"=>$this->order_id, | |
269 | + "subject" => "优卡充充值", | |
270 | + 'store_id' => $property_id, | |
271 | + "total_amount" => $this->price, | |
272 | + "timeout_express" => "10m", | |
273 | + ); | |
274 | + | |
275 | + return json_encode($param); | |
276 | + } | |
277 | + | |
278 | + /** | |
279 | + * @return mixed | |
280 | + */ | |
281 | + public function getUnifiedOrderInfo() | |
282 | + { | |
283 | + $aop = $this->getAopClient(); | |
284 | + $request = new \AlipayTradeAppPayRequest(); | |
285 | + | |
286 | + $bizContent = $this->getAppBizContent(); | |
287 | + $request->setNotifyUrl($this->call_back_url); | |
288 | + $request->setBizContent($bizContent); | |
289 | + | |
290 | + $response = $aop->sdkExecute($request); | |
291 | + return $this->response("success", "", $response); | |
292 | + } | |
293 | + | |
294 | + /** | |
295 | + * @return string | |
296 | + */ | |
297 | + private function getAppBizContent() | |
298 | + { | |
299 | + $param = array( | |
300 | + "body" => $this->body, | |
301 | + "subject" => $this->body, | |
302 | + "out_trade_no"=>$this->order_id, | |
303 | + "timeout_express" => "40m", | |
304 | + "total_amount" => $this->price, | |
305 | + "product_code" => "QUICK_MSECURITY_PAY" | |
306 | + ); | |
307 | + | |
308 | + return json_encode($param); | |
309 | + } | |
310 | + | |
311 | + | |
312 | + /** | |
313 | + * @param $input | |
314 | + * @return bool | |
315 | + */ | |
316 | + public function checkSign($input) | |
317 | + { | |
318 | + $aop = new \AopClient(); | |
319 | + $aop->alipayPublicKey=config(''); | |
320 | + $flag = $aop->rsaCheckV1($input, config(''), "RSA2"); | |
321 | + | |
322 | + return $flag; | |
323 | + } | |
324 | + | |
325 | + /** | |
326 | + * | |
327 | + */ | |
328 | + public function refund() | |
329 | + { | |
330 | + $aop = new \AopClient(); | |
331 | + $aop->gatewayUrl = ''; | |
332 | + $aop->appId = config(''); | |
333 | + $aop->rsaPrivateKeyFilePath = config(''); | |
334 | + $aop->alipayPublicKey= config(''); | |
335 | + $aop->postCharset='UTF-8'; | |
336 | + $aop->format='json'; | |
337 | + $request = new \AlipayTradeRefundRequest(); | |
338 | + | |
339 | + $bizContent = $this->getRefundBizContent(); | |
340 | + $request->setBizContent($bizContent); | |
341 | + $response = $aop->execute ( $request); | |
342 | + | |
343 | + $this->response(true, "", htmlspecialchars($response)); | |
344 | + } | |
345 | + | |
346 | + /** | |
347 | + * @return string | |
348 | + */ | |
349 | + private function getRefundBizContent() | |
350 | + { | |
351 | + $param = array( | |
352 | + "out_trade_no" => $this->order_id, | |
353 | + "trade_no" => $this->pay_no, | |
354 | + "refund_amount"=>$this->refund_fee, | |
355 | + "refund_reason" => "refund", | |
356 | + "out_request_no" => $this->refund_id, | |
357 | + "operator_id" => "OP001", | |
358 | + "store_id" => "NJ_S_001", | |
359 | + "terminal_id" => "NJ_T_001" | |
360 | + ); | |
361 | + | |
362 | + return json_encode($param); | |
363 | + } | |
364 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 25/04/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 11:47 AM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class Amap | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + public static function getAdCodeUsingLatAndLng($lat, $lng) | |
15 | + { | |
16 | + $url = config('constants.amap.url').'?key='.config('constants.amap.key').'&location='.$lng.','.$lat; | |
17 | + $result = Http::Get($url); | |
18 | + | |
19 | + $result = json_decode($result, true); | |
20 | + | |
21 | + return $result['regeocode']['addressComponent']['adcode']; | |
22 | + } | |
23 | +} | |
24 | + | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 20/03/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 2:17 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class Byte | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + /** | |
15 | + * 转换一个String字符串为byte数组(10进制) | |
16 | + * @param $str | |
17 | + * @return array | |
18 | + */ | |
19 | + public static function getBytes_10($str) { | |
20 | + $len = strlen($str); | |
21 | + $bytes = array(); | |
22 | + for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) { | |
23 | + if(ord($str[$i]) >= 128){ | |
24 | + $byte = ord($str[$i]) - 256; | |
25 | + }else{ | |
26 | + $byte = ord($str[$i]); | |
27 | + } | |
28 | + $bytes[] = $byte ; | |
29 | + } | |
30 | + return $bytes; | |
31 | + } | |
32 | + | |
33 | + | |
34 | + /** | |
35 | + * 转换一个String字符串为byte数组(16进制) | |
36 | + * @param $str | |
37 | + * @return array | |
38 | + */ | |
39 | + public static function getBytes_16($str) { | |
40 | + | |
41 | + | |
42 | + $len = strlen($str); | |
43 | + $bytes = array(); | |
44 | + for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) { | |
45 | + if(ord($str[$i]) >= 128){ | |
46 | + $byte = ord($str[$i]) - 256; | |
47 | + }else{ | |
48 | + $byte = ord($str[$i]); | |
49 | + } | |
50 | + $bytes[] = "0x".dechex($byte) ; | |
51 | + } | |
52 | + return $bytes; | |
53 | + } | |
54 | + | |
55 | + | |
56 | + /** | |
57 | + * 转换一个String字符串为byte数组(2进制) | |
58 | + * @param $str | |
59 | + * @return array | |
60 | + */ | |
61 | + public static function StrToBin($str){ | |
62 | + //1.列出每个字符 | |
63 | + $arr = preg_split('/(?<!^)(?!$)/u', $str); | |
64 | + //2.unpack字符 | |
65 | + foreach($arr as &$v){ | |
66 | + $temp = unpack('H*', $v); | |
67 | + $v = base_convert($temp[1], 16, 2); | |
68 | + unset($temp); | |
69 | + } | |
70 | + | |
71 | + return $arr; | |
72 | + } | |
73 | + | |
74 | + | |
75 | + /** | |
76 | + * 转换一个byte数组为String(2进制) | |
77 | + * @param $str 需要转换的字符串 | |
78 | + * @return string | |
79 | + */ | |
80 | + function BinToStr($str){ | |
81 | + $arr = explode(' ', $str); | |
82 | + foreach($arr as &$v){ | |
83 | + $v = pack("H".strlen(base_convert($v, 2, 16)), base_convert($v, 2, 16)); | |
84 | + } | |
85 | + | |
86 | + return $v; | |
87 | + } | |
88 | + | |
89 | + /** | |
90 | + * 将字节数组转化为String类型的数据 | |
91 | + * @param $bytes | |
92 | + * @return string | |
93 | + */ | |
94 | + public static function toStr($bytes) { | |
95 | + $str = ''; | |
96 | + foreach($bytes as $ch) { | |
97 | + $str .= chr($ch); | |
98 | + } | |
99 | + | |
100 | + | |
101 | + return $str; | |
102 | + } | |
103 | + | |
104 | + /** | |
105 | + * 转换一个int为byte数组 | |
106 | + * @param $val | |
107 | + * @return array | |
108 | + */ | |
109 | + | |
110 | + public static function integerToBytes($val) { | |
111 | + $byt = array(); | |
112 | + $byt[0] = ($val & 0xff); | |
113 | + $byt[1] = ($val >> 8 & 0xff); | |
114 | + $byt[2] = ($val >> 16 & 0xff); | |
115 | + $byt[3] = ($val >> 24 & 0xff); | |
116 | + return $byt; | |
117 | + } | |
118 | + | |
119 | + /** | |
120 | + * 从字节数组中指定的位置读取一个Integer类型的数据 | |
121 | + * @param $bytes 字节数组 | |
122 | + * @param $position 指定的开始位置 | |
123 | + * @return 一个Integer类型的数据 | |
124 | + */ | |
125 | + | |
126 | + public static function bytesToInteger($bytes, $position) { | |
127 | + $val = 0; | |
128 | + $val = $bytes[$position + 3] & 0xff; | |
129 | + $val <<= 8; | |
130 | + $val |= $bytes[$position + 2] & 0xff; | |
131 | + $val <<= 8; | |
132 | + $val |= $bytes[$position + 1] & 0xff; | |
133 | + $val <<= 8; | |
134 | + $val |= $bytes[$position] & 0xff; | |
135 | + return $val; | |
136 | + } | |
137 | + | |
138 | + | |
139 | + /** | |
140 | + * 转换一个short字符串为byte数组 | |
141 | + * @param $val | |
142 | + * @return array | |
143 | + */ | |
144 | + | |
145 | + public static function shortToBytes($val) { | |
146 | + $byt = array(); | |
147 | + $byt[0] = ($val & 0xff); | |
148 | + $byt[1] = ($val >> 8 & 0xff); | |
149 | + return $byt; | |
150 | + } | |
151 | + | |
152 | + /** | |
153 | + * 从字节数组中指定的位置读取一个Short类型的数据。 | |
154 | + * @param $bytes | |
155 | + * @param $position | |
156 | + * @return short | |
157 | + */ | |
158 | + public static function bytesToShort($bytes, $position) { | |
159 | + $val = 0; | |
160 | + $val = $bytes[$position + 1] & 0xFF; | |
161 | + $val = $val << 8; | |
162 | + $val |= $bytes[$position] & 0xFF; | |
163 | + return $val; | |
164 | + } | |
165 | + | |
166 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 24/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 5:11 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class CropAvatar { | |
13 | + private $src; | |
14 | + private $data; | |
15 | + private $file; | |
16 | + private $dst; | |
17 | + private $type; | |
18 | + private $extension; | |
19 | + private $msg; | |
20 | + private $imgWidth; | |
21 | + private $imgHeight; | |
22 | + | |
23 | + function __construct($src, $data, $file, $imgWidth, $imgHeight) { | |
24 | + $this ->imgWidth = $imgWidth; | |
25 | + $this ->imgHeight = $imgHeight; | |
26 | + $this -> setSrc($src); | |
27 | + $this -> setData($data); | |
28 | + $this -> setFile($file); | |
29 | + $this -> crop($this -> src, $this -> dst, $this -> data); | |
30 | + } | |
31 | + | |
32 | + private function setSrc($src) { | |
33 | + if (!empty($src)) { | |
34 | + $type = exif_imagetype($src); | |
35 | + | |
36 | + if ($type) { | |
37 | + $this -> src = $src; | |
38 | + $this -> type = $type; | |
39 | + $this -> extension = image_type_to_extension($type); | |
40 | + $this -> setDst(); | |
41 | + } | |
42 | + } | |
43 | + } | |
44 | + | |
45 | + private function setData($data) { | |
46 | + if (!empty($data)) { | |
47 | + $this -> data = json_decode(stripslashes($data)); | |
48 | + } | |
49 | + } | |
50 | + | |
51 | + private function setFile($file) { | |
52 | + $errorCode = $file['error']; | |
53 | + | |
54 | + if ($errorCode === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { | |
55 | + $type = exif_imagetype($file['tmp_name']); | |
56 | + | |
57 | + if ($type) { | |
58 | + $extension = image_type_to_extension($type); | |
59 | + $src = config("constants.common.temp_file_location") . date('YmdHis') . '.original' . $extension; | |
60 | + | |
61 | + if ($type == IMAGETYPE_GIF || $type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG || $type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { | |
62 | + | |
63 | + if (file_exists($src)) { | |
64 | + unlink($src); | |
65 | + } | |
66 | + | |
67 | + $result = move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $src); | |
68 | + | |
69 | + if ($result) { | |
70 | + $this -> src = $src; | |
71 | + $this -> type = $type; | |
72 | + $this -> extension = $extension; | |
73 | + $this -> setDst(); | |
74 | + } else { | |
75 | + $this -> msg = 'Failed to save file'; | |
76 | + } | |
77 | + } else { | |
78 | + $this -> msg = 'Please upload image with the following types: JPG, PNG, GIF'; | |
79 | + } | |
80 | + } else { | |
81 | + $this -> msg = 'Please upload image file'; | |
82 | + } | |
83 | + } else { | |
84 | + $this -> msg = $this -> codeToMessage($errorCode); | |
85 | + } | |
86 | + } | |
87 | + | |
88 | + private function setDst() { | |
89 | + $this -> dst = config("constants.common.temp_file_location") . date('YmdHis') . '.png'; | |
90 | + } | |
91 | + | |
92 | + private function crop($src, $dst, $data) { | |
93 | + if (!empty($src) && !empty($dst) && !empty($data)) { | |
94 | + switch ($this -> type) { | |
95 | + case IMAGETYPE_GIF: | |
96 | + $src_img = imagecreatefromgif($src); | |
97 | + break; | |
98 | + | |
99 | + case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: | |
100 | + $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($src); | |
101 | + break; | |
102 | + | |
103 | + case IMAGETYPE_PNG: | |
104 | + $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($src); | |
105 | + break; | |
106 | + } | |
107 | + | |
108 | + if (!$src_img) { | |
109 | + $this -> msg = "Failed to read the image file"; | |
110 | + return; | |
111 | + } | |
112 | + | |
113 | + $size = getimagesize($src); | |
114 | + $size_w = $size[0]; // natural width | |
115 | + $size_h = $size[1]; // natural height | |
116 | + | |
117 | + $src_img_w = $size_w; | |
118 | + $src_img_h = $size_h; | |
119 | + | |
120 | + $degrees = $data -> rotate; | |
121 | + | |
122 | + // Rotate the source image | |
123 | + if (is_numeric($degrees) && $degrees != 0) { | |
124 | + // PHP's degrees is opposite to CSS's degrees | |
125 | + $new_img = imagerotate( $src_img, -$degrees, imagecolorallocatealpha($src_img, 0, 0, 0, 127) ); | |
126 | + | |
127 | + imagedestroy($src_img); | |
128 | + $src_img = $new_img; | |
129 | + | |
130 | + $deg = abs($degrees) % 180; | |
131 | + $arc = ($deg > 90 ? (180 - $deg) : $deg) * M_PI / 180; | |
132 | + | |
133 | + $src_img_w = $size_w * cos($arc) + $size_h * sin($arc); | |
134 | + $src_img_h = $size_w * sin($arc) + $size_h * cos($arc); | |
135 | + | |
136 | + // Fix rotated image miss 1px issue when degrees < 0 | |
137 | + $src_img_w -= 1; | |
138 | + $src_img_h -= 1; | |
139 | + } | |
140 | + | |
141 | + $tmp_img_w = $data -> width; | |
142 | + $tmp_img_h = $data -> height; | |
143 | + $dst_img_w = $this ->imgWidth; | |
144 | + $dst_img_h = $this ->imgHeight; | |
145 | + | |
146 | + $src_x = $data -> x; | |
147 | + $src_y = $data -> y; | |
148 | + | |
149 | + if ($src_x <= -$tmp_img_w || $src_x > $src_img_w) { | |
150 | + $src_x = $src_w = $dst_x = $dst_w = 0; | |
151 | + } else if ($src_x <= 0) { | |
152 | + $dst_x = -$src_x; | |
153 | + $src_x = 0; | |
154 | + $src_w = $dst_w = min($src_img_w, $tmp_img_w + $src_x); | |
155 | + } else if ($src_x <= $src_img_w) { | |
156 | + $dst_x = 0; | |
157 | + $src_w = $dst_w = min($tmp_img_w, $src_img_w - $src_x); | |
158 | + } | |
159 | + | |
160 | + if ($src_w <= 0 || $src_y <= -$tmp_img_h || $src_y > $src_img_h) { | |
161 | + $src_y = $src_h = $dst_y = $dst_h = 0; | |
162 | + } else if ($src_y <= 0) { | |
163 | + $dst_y = -$src_y; | |
164 | + $src_y = 0; | |
165 | + $src_h = $dst_h = min($src_img_h, $tmp_img_h + $src_y); | |
166 | + } else if ($src_y <= $src_img_h) { | |
167 | + $dst_y = 0; | |
168 | + $src_h = $dst_h = min($tmp_img_h, $src_img_h - $src_y); | |
169 | + } | |
170 | + | |
171 | + // Scale to destination position and size | |
172 | + $ratio = $tmp_img_w / $dst_img_w; | |
173 | + $dst_x /= $ratio; | |
174 | + $dst_y /= $ratio; | |
175 | + $dst_w /= $ratio; | |
176 | + $dst_h /= $ratio; | |
177 | + | |
178 | + $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_img_w, $dst_img_h); | |
179 | + | |
180 | + // Add transparent background to destination image | |
181 | + imagefill($dst_img, 0, 0, imagecolorallocatealpha($dst_img, 0, 0, 0, 127)); | |
182 | + imagesavealpha($dst_img, true); | |
183 | + | |
184 | + $result = imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h); | |
185 | + | |
186 | + if ($result) { | |
187 | + if (!imagepng($dst_img, $dst)) { | |
188 | + $this -> msg = "Failed to save the cropped image file"; | |
189 | + } | |
190 | + } else { | |
191 | + $this -> msg = "Failed to crop the image file"; | |
192 | + } | |
193 | + | |
194 | + imagedestroy($src_img); | |
195 | + imagedestroy($dst_img); | |
196 | + } | |
197 | + } | |
198 | + | |
199 | + private function codeToMessage($code) { | |
200 | + switch ($code) { | |
201 | + case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: | |
202 | + $message = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; | |
203 | + break; | |
204 | + | |
205 | + case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: | |
206 | + $message = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'; | |
207 | + break; | |
208 | + | |
209 | + case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: | |
210 | + $message = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'; | |
211 | + break; | |
212 | + | |
213 | + case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: | |
214 | + $message = 'No file was uploaded'; | |
215 | + break; | |
216 | + | |
217 | + case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: | |
218 | + $message = 'Missing a temporary folder'; | |
219 | + break; | |
220 | + | |
221 | + case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: | |
222 | + $message = 'Failed to write file to disk'; | |
223 | + break; | |
224 | + | |
225 | + case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: | |
226 | + $message = 'File upload stopped by extension'; | |
227 | + break; | |
228 | + | |
229 | + default: | |
230 | + $message = 'Unknown upload error'; | |
231 | + } | |
232 | + | |
233 | + return $message; | |
234 | + } | |
235 | + | |
236 | + public function getResult() { | |
237 | + return !empty($this -> data) ? $this -> dst : $this -> src; | |
238 | + } | |
239 | + | |
240 | + public function getMsg() { | |
241 | + return $this -> msg; | |
242 | + } | |
243 | + | |
244 | + public function getSrc() { | |
245 | + return $this -> src; | |
246 | + } | |
247 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: machengjun | |
5 | + * Date: 2018/2/10 | |
6 | + * Time: 下午2:42 | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | +namespace App\Common\Enums; | |
9 | + | |
10 | + | |
11 | +class HtTab | |
12 | +{ | |
13 | + const GUIDE_PERMISSION = 'G_P'; | |
14 | + const GUIDE_ORDER = 'G'; | |
15 | + const RENT_ORDER = 'R'; | |
16 | + const RENT_REFUND = 'RF'; | |
17 | + const IMG_HEAD_URL = ''; | |
18 | + const AUDIO_HEAD_URL = ''; | |
19 | + const RENT_SALE_LOCK = 'R_S_L'; | |
20 | + const DEFAULT_LIMIT = 10; | |
21 | + const RENT_PRODUCTION_NAME = '晓兔智能讲解器'; | |
22 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 11/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 9:47 AM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common\Enums; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class LoginType | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + const PASSWORD = 1; | |
15 | + const SMS = 2; | |
16 | + const QQ = 3; | |
17 | + const WECHAT = 4; | |
18 | + const ALIPAY = 5; | |
19 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 11/03/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 1:19 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common\Enums; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class PaySource | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + const APP = 1; | |
15 | + const JS = 2; | |
16 | + const MINI_PROGRAM = 3; | |
17 | + const NATIVE = 4; | |
18 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 11/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 9:47 AM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common\Enums; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class SmsType | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + const REGISTER = 1; | |
15 | + const RESET_PASSWORD = 2; | |
16 | + const SMS_LOGIN = 3; | |
17 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 10/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 5:47 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +class Http | |
12 | +{ | |
13 | + public static function Post($curlPost, $url) | |
14 | + { | |
15 | + $curl = curl_init(); | |
16 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); | |
17 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); | |
18 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); | |
19 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); | |
20 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); | |
21 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curlPost); | |
22 | + $return_str = curl_exec($curl); | |
23 | + curl_close($curl); | |
24 | + return $return_str; | |
25 | + } | |
26 | + | |
27 | + public static function Get($url) | |
28 | + { | |
29 | + $curl = curl_init(); | |
30 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); | |
31 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); | |
32 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); | |
33 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); | |
34 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); | |
35 | + $return_str = curl_exec($curl); | |
36 | + curl_close($curl); | |
37 | + return $return_str; | |
38 | + } | |
39 | + | |
40 | + public static function PostWithHeader($curlPost, $curlHeader, $url) | |
41 | + { | |
42 | + $curl = curl_init(); | |
43 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); | |
44 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); | |
45 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); | |
46 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $curlHeader); | |
47 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); | |
48 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curlPost); | |
49 | + $return_str = curl_exec($curl); | |
50 | + curl_close($curl); | |
51 | + return $return_str; | |
52 | + } | |
53 | + | |
54 | + public static function GetWithHeader($curlHeader, $url) | |
55 | + { | |
56 | + $curl = curl_init(); | |
57 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); | |
58 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, $curlHeader); | |
59 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); | |
60 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); | |
61 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); | |
62 | + $return_str = curl_exec($curl); | |
63 | + curl_close($curl); | |
64 | + return $return_str; | |
65 | + } | |
66 | + | |
67 | + public static function WechatPostWithSecurity($curlPost, $url, $useCert=false) | |
68 | + { | |
69 | + $curl = curl_init(); | |
70 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); | |
71 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); | |
72 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); | |
73 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); | |
74 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); | |
75 | + curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curlPost); | |
76 | + | |
77 | + if($useCert == true){ | |
78 | + //设置证书 | |
79 | + //使用证书:cert 与 key 分别属于两个.pem文件 | |
80 | + curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE,'PEM'); | |
81 | + curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_SSLCERT, config('constants.wechat.ssl_cert_path')); | |
82 | + curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE,'PEM'); | |
83 | + curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_SSLKEY, config('constants.wechat.ssl_key_path')); | |
84 | + } | |
85 | + | |
86 | + $return_str = curl_exec($curl); | |
87 | + curl_close($curl); | |
88 | + return $return_str; | |
89 | + } | |
90 | + | |
91 | + public static function DeleteWithHeader($curlHeader, $url) | |
92 | + { | |
93 | + $curl = curl_init(); | |
94 | + curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$curlHeader); | |
95 | + curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_URL,$url); | |
96 | + curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST,'DELETE'); | |
97 | + | |
98 | + ob_start(); | |
99 | + curl_exec($curl); | |
100 | + $result = ob_get_contents(); | |
101 | + ob_end_clean(); | |
102 | + curl_close($curl); | |
103 | + | |
104 | + return $result; | |
105 | + } | |
106 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 12/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 10:58 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +use Exception; | |
12 | + | |
13 | +class Jpush | |
14 | +{ | |
15 | + public static function pushNotification($userIds, $title, $msg, $params) | |
16 | + { | |
17 | + $client = new \JPush(config('constants.jpush.access_key'), config('constants.jpush.secret')); | |
18 | + | |
19 | + try | |
20 | + { | |
21 | + $res = $client->push() | |
22 | + ->setPlatform('all') | |
23 | + ->addAlias($userIds) | |
24 | + ->addIosNotification($msg, 'iOS sound', "+1", true, 'iOS category', $params) | |
25 | + ->setMessage($msg, $title, null, $params) | |
26 | + ->setOptions(null, 864000, null, (bool)config('constants.jpush.production')) | |
27 | + ->send(); | |
28 | + } | |
29 | + catch(Exception $e) | |
30 | + { | |
31 | + $res = 'false'; | |
32 | + } | |
33 | + | |
34 | + return $res; | |
35 | + } | |
36 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 25/04/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 8:49 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common\MQ; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class CheckoutMessageHandler extends HttpConsumer | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + | |
15 | + /** | |
16 | + * UnlockMessageHandler constructor. | |
17 | + */ | |
18 | + public function __construct() | |
19 | + { | |
20 | + parent::__construct(config(''), | |
21 | + config(''), | |
22 | + config(''), | |
23 | + config(''), | |
24 | + config('')); | |
25 | + } | |
26 | + | |
27 | + protected function handleMessage() | |
28 | + { | |
29 | + return true; | |
30 | + } | |
31 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 25/04/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 8:49 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common\MQ; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class CmdStatusMessageHandler extends HttpConsumer | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + | |
15 | + /** | |
16 | + * UnlockMessageHandler constructor. | |
17 | + */ | |
18 | + public function __construct() | |
19 | + { | |
20 | + parent::__construct(config(''), | |
21 | + config(''), | |
22 | + config(''), | |
23 | + config(''), | |
24 | + config('')); | |
25 | + } | |
26 | + | |
27 | + protected function handleMessage() | |
28 | + { | |
29 | + return true; | |
30 | + } | |
31 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 25/04/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 8:17 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common\MQ; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +use App\Common\Http; | |
13 | + | |
14 | +class HttpConsumer | |
15 | +{ | |
16 | + //签名 | |
17 | + private static $signature = "Signature"; | |
18 | + //Consumer ID | |
19 | + private static $consumerid = "ConsumerID"; | |
20 | + //访问码 | |
21 | + private static $aks = "AccessKey"; | |
22 | + | |
23 | + /** | |
24 | + * @var | |
25 | + */ | |
26 | + private $url; | |
27 | + | |
28 | + /** | |
29 | + * @var | |
30 | + */ | |
31 | + private $ak; | |
32 | + | |
33 | + /** | |
34 | + * @var | |
35 | + */ | |
36 | + private $sk; | |
37 | + | |
38 | + /** | |
39 | + * @var | |
40 | + */ | |
41 | + private $cid; | |
42 | + | |
43 | + /** | |
44 | + * @var | |
45 | + */ | |
46 | + private $topic; | |
47 | + | |
48 | + /** | |
49 | + * HttpConsumer constructor. | |
50 | + * @param $url | |
51 | + * @param $ak | |
52 | + * @param $sk | |
53 | + * @param $cid | |
54 | + * @param $topic | |
55 | + */ | |
56 | + public function __construct($url, $ak, $sk, $cid, $topic) | |
57 | + { | |
58 | + $this->url = $url; | |
59 | + $this->ak = $ak; | |
60 | + $this->sk = $sk; | |
61 | + $this->cid = $cid; | |
62 | + $this->topic = $topic; | |
63 | + } | |
64 | + | |
65 | + protected function handleMessage() | |
66 | + { | |
67 | + return true; | |
68 | + } | |
69 | + | |
70 | + public function consume() | |
71 | + { | |
72 | + $newline = "\n"; | |
73 | + | |
74 | + while (true) | |
75 | + { | |
76 | + try | |
77 | + { | |
78 | + //构造时间戳 | |
79 | + $date = time()*1000; | |
80 | + //签名字符串 | |
81 | + $signString = $this->topic.$newline.$this->cid.$newline.$date; | |
82 | + //计算签名 | |
83 | + $sign = Util::calSignature($signString,$this->sk); | |
84 | + //构造签名标记 | |
85 | + $signFlag = $this::$signature.":".$sign; | |
86 | + //构造密钥标记 | |
87 | + $akFlag = $this::$aks.":".$this->ak; | |
88 | + //标记 | |
89 | + $consumerFlag = $this::$consumerid.":".$this->cid; | |
90 | + //构造HTTP请求发送内容类型标记 | |
91 | + $contentFlag = "Content-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"; | |
92 | + //构造HTTP头部信息 | |
93 | + $headers = array( | |
94 | + $signFlag, | |
95 | + $akFlag, | |
96 | + $consumerFlag, | |
97 | + $contentFlag, | |
98 | + ); | |
99 | + //构造HTTP请求URL | |
100 | + $getUrl = $this->url."/message/?topic=".$this->topic."&time=".$date."&num=32"; | |
101 | + | |
102 | + $result = Http::GetWithHeader($headers, $getUrl); | |
103 | + //解析HTTP应答信息 | |
104 | + $messages = json_decode($result,true); | |
105 | + //如果应答信息中的没有包含任何的Topic信息,则直接跳过 | |
106 | + if (count($messages) ==0) | |
107 | + { | |
108 | + continue; | |
109 | + } | |
110 | + //依次遍历每个Topic消息 | |
111 | + foreach ((array)$messages as $message) | |
112 | + { | |
113 | + var_dump($message); | |
114 | + | |
115 | + if ($this->handleMessage()) | |
116 | + { | |
117 | + //构造删除Topic消息URL | |
118 | + $delUrl = $this->url."/message/?msgHandle=".$message['msgHandle']."&topic=".$this->topic."&time=".$date; | |
119 | + //签名字符串 | |
120 | + $signString = $this->topic.$newline.$this->cid.$newline.$message['msgHandle'].$newline.$date; | |
121 | + //计算签名 | |
122 | + $sign = Util::calSignature($signString,$this->sk); | |
123 | + //构造签名标记 | |
124 | + $signFlag = $this::$signature.":".$sign; | |
125 | + //构造密钥标记 | |
126 | + $akFlag = $this::$aks.":".$this->ak; | |
127 | + //构造消费者组标记 | |
128 | + $consumerFlag = $this::$consumerid.":".$this->cid; | |
129 | + //构造HTTP请求头部信息 | |
130 | + $delHeaders = array( | |
131 | + $signFlag, | |
132 | + $akFlag, | |
133 | + $consumerFlag, | |
134 | + $contentFlag, | |
135 | + ); | |
136 | + | |
137 | + $result = Http::DeleteWithHeader($delHeaders, $delUrl); | |
138 | + } | |
139 | + } | |
140 | + } | |
141 | + catch (\Exception $e) | |
142 | + { | |
143 | + //打印异常信息 | |
144 | + echo $e->getMessage(); | |
145 | + } | |
146 | + } | |
147 | + } | |
148 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 25/04/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 7:58 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common\MQ; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +use App\Common\Http; | |
12 | + | |
13 | +/** | |
14 | + * Class HttpProducer | |
15 | + * @package App\Common\MQ | |
16 | + */ | |
17 | +class HttpProducer | |
18 | +{ | |
19 | + //签名 | |
20 | + private static $signature = "Signature"; | |
21 | + | |
22 | + //在MQ控制台创建的Producer ID | |
23 | + private static $producerId = "ProducerID"; | |
24 | + | |
25 | + //阿里云身份验证码 | |
26 | + private static $aks = "AccessKey"; | |
27 | + | |
28 | + /** | |
29 | + * @var | |
30 | + */ | |
31 | + private $url; | |
32 | + | |
33 | + /** | |
34 | + * @var | |
35 | + */ | |
36 | + private $ak; | |
37 | + | |
38 | + /** | |
39 | + * @var | |
40 | + */ | |
41 | + private $sk; | |
42 | + | |
43 | + /** | |
44 | + * @var | |
45 | + */ | |
46 | + private $pid; | |
47 | + | |
48 | + /** | |
49 | + * @var | |
50 | + */ | |
51 | + private $topic; | |
52 | + | |
53 | + /** | |
54 | + * @var | |
55 | + */ | |
56 | + private $content; | |
57 | + | |
58 | + /** | |
59 | + * @var | |
60 | + */ | |
61 | + private $tag; | |
62 | + | |
63 | + /** | |
64 | + * @var | |
65 | + */ | |
66 | + private $key; | |
67 | + | |
68 | + | |
69 | + /** | |
70 | + * HttpProducer constructor. | |
71 | + * @param $url | |
72 | + * @param $ak | |
73 | + * @param $sk | |
74 | + * @param $pid | |
75 | + * @param $topic | |
76 | + * @param $content | |
77 | + * @param $tag | |
78 | + * @param $key | |
79 | + */ | |
80 | + public function __construct($url, $ak, $sk, $pid, $topic, $content, $tag, $key) | |
81 | + { | |
82 | + $this->url = $url; | |
83 | + $this->ak = $ak; | |
84 | + $this->sk = $sk; | |
85 | + $this->pid = $pid; | |
86 | + $this->topic = $topic; | |
87 | + $this->content = $content; | |
88 | + $this->tag = $tag; | |
89 | + $this->key = $key; | |
90 | + } | |
91 | + | |
92 | + | |
93 | + /** | |
94 | + * @param array $headerParam | |
95 | + * @param array $urlParam | |
96 | + * @return mixed | |
97 | + */ | |
98 | + public function produce($headerParam=array(), $urlParam=array()) | |
99 | + { | |
100 | + $date = time()*1000; | |
101 | + $newline = "\n"; | |
102 | + //POST请求url | |
103 | + $postUrl = $this->url."/message/?topic=".$this->topic."&time=".$date."&tag=".$this->tag."&key=".$this->key; | |
104 | + | |
105 | + foreach ($urlParam as $key=>$value) | |
106 | + { | |
107 | + $postUrl.='&'.$key.'='.$value; | |
108 | + } | |
109 | + | |
110 | + //签名字符串 | |
111 | + $signString = $this->topic.$newline.$this->pid.$newline.md5($this->content).$newline.$date; | |
112 | + //计算签名 | |
113 | + $sign = Util::calSignature($signString,$this->sk); | |
114 | + | |
115 | + //构造签名标记 | |
116 | + $signFlag = $this::$signature.":".$sign; | |
117 | + //构造密钥标记 | |
118 | + $akFlag = $this::$aks.":".$this->ak; | |
119 | + //标记 | |
120 | + $producerFlag = $this::$producerId.":".$this->pid; | |
121 | + //构造HTTP请求头部内容类型标记 | |
122 | + $contentFlag = "Content-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"; | |
123 | + //构造HTTP请求头部 | |
124 | + $headers = array( | |
125 | + $signFlag, | |
126 | + $akFlag, | |
127 | + $producerFlag, | |
128 | + $contentFlag, | |
129 | + ); | |
130 | + | |
131 | + foreach ($headerParam as $key=>$value) | |
132 | + { | |
133 | + array_push($headers, $key.':'.$value); | |
134 | + } | |
135 | + | |
136 | + $result = Http::PostWithHeader($this->content, $headers, $postUrl); | |
137 | + | |
138 | + $result = json_decode($result, true); | |
139 | + | |
140 | + return $result; | |
141 | + } | |
142 | + | |
143 | + | |
144 | + /** | |
145 | + * @param $delayTime | |
146 | + * @return mixed | |
147 | + */ | |
148 | + public function produceDelayMessage($delayTime) | |
149 | + { | |
150 | + $deliveryTime = time()*1000 + $delayTime * 1000; | |
151 | + $param['startdelivertime'] = $deliveryTime; | |
152 | + | |
153 | + return $this->produce(array(), $param); | |
154 | + } | |
155 | + | |
156 | + | |
157 | + /** | |
158 | + * @param $shardingKey | |
159 | + * @return mixed | |
160 | + */ | |
161 | + public function produceOrderMessage($shardingKey) | |
162 | + { | |
163 | + $param = array(); | |
164 | + $param['isOrder'] = true; | |
165 | + $param['shardingKey'] = $shardingKey; | |
166 | + | |
167 | + return $this->produce($param); | |
168 | + } | |
169 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 25/04/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 8:49 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common\MQ; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class UnlockMessageHandler extends HttpConsumer | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + | |
15 | + /** | |
16 | + * UnlockMessageHandler constructor. | |
17 | + */ | |
18 | + public function __construct() | |
19 | + { | |
20 | + parent::__construct(config(''), | |
21 | + config(''), | |
22 | + config(''), | |
23 | + config(''), | |
24 | + config('')); | |
25 | + } | |
26 | + | |
27 | + protected function handleMessage() | |
28 | + { | |
29 | + return true; | |
30 | + } | |
31 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +namespace App\Common\MQ; | |
4 | + | |
5 | +/** | |
6 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
7 | + * User: billy | |
8 | + * Date: 25/04/2017 | |
9 | + * Time: 7:57 PM | |
10 | + */ | |
11 | +class Util | |
12 | +{ | |
13 | + //计算签名 | |
14 | + public static function calSignature($str,$key) | |
15 | + { | |
16 | + $sign = ""; | |
17 | + if(function_exists("hash_hmac")) | |
18 | + { | |
19 | + $sign = base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha1",$str,$key,true)); | |
20 | + } | |
21 | + else | |
22 | + { | |
23 | + $blockSize = 64; | |
24 | + $hashfunc = "sha1"; | |
25 | + if(strlen($key) > $blockSize) | |
26 | + { | |
27 | + $key = pack('H*',$hashfunc($key)); | |
28 | + } | |
29 | + $key = str_pad($key,$blockSize,chr(0x00)); | |
30 | + $ipad = str_repeat(chr(0x36),$blockSize); | |
31 | + $opad = str_repeat(chr(0x5c),$blockSize); | |
32 | + $hmac = pack( | |
33 | + 'H*',$hashfunc( | |
34 | + ($key^$opad).pack( | |
35 | + 'H*',$hashfunc($key^$ipad).$str | |
36 | + ) | |
37 | + ) | |
38 | + ); | |
39 | + $sign = base64_encode($hmac); | |
40 | + } | |
41 | + return $sign; | |
42 | + } | |
43 | + //计算时间戳 | |
44 | + public static function microtime_float() | |
45 | + { | |
46 | + list($usec,$sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); | |
47 | + return ((float)$usec+(float)$sec); | |
48 | + } | |
49 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 12/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 11:03 AM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +use Qiniu\Auth; | |
12 | +use Qiniu\Storage\UploadManager; | |
13 | + | |
14 | +class Qiniu | |
15 | +{ | |
16 | + public static function getUpToken($bucket, $postfix, $policy, $fileName='') | |
17 | + { | |
18 | + if ($fileName == '') | |
19 | + { | |
20 | + $fileName = Utils::guid().'.'.$postfix; | |
21 | + } | |
22 | + else | |
23 | + { | |
24 | + $fileName = $fileName.'.'.$postfix; | |
25 | + } | |
26 | + | |
27 | + $policy['saveKey'] = $fileName; | |
28 | + | |
29 | + $auth = new Auth(config('constants.qiniu.access_key'), config('constants.qiniu.secret')); | |
30 | + $token = $auth->uploadToken($bucket, null, 3600, $policy); | |
31 | + | |
32 | + return $token; | |
33 | + } | |
34 | + | |
35 | + public static function uploadFile($bucket, $filePath, $postfix="png", $fileName='') | |
36 | + { | |
37 | + $token = Qiniu::getUpToken($bucket, $postfix, array(), $fileName); | |
38 | + $uploadMgr = new UploadManager(); | |
39 | + $ret = $uploadMgr->putFile($token, null, $filePath); | |
40 | + | |
41 | + $result = array(); | |
42 | + if(!empty($ret[0])) | |
43 | + { | |
44 | + $result = $ret[0]['key']; | |
45 | + } | |
46 | + else | |
47 | + { | |
48 | + $result = ""; | |
49 | + } | |
50 | + return $result; | |
51 | + } | |
52 | + | |
53 | + public static function fileUploadWithCorp($avatar_src, $avatar_data, $avatar_file, $width, $height, $bucket, $domain) | |
54 | + { | |
55 | + if($width == 0 && $height == 0) | |
56 | + { | |
57 | + $data_Array = json_decode($avatar_data, true); | |
58 | + | |
59 | + $width = $data_Array['width']; | |
60 | + $height = $data_Array['height']; | |
61 | + } | |
62 | + | |
63 | + $crop = new CropAvatar($avatar_src, $avatar_data, $avatar_file, $width, $height); | |
64 | + | |
65 | + $origin = $crop->getSrc(); | |
66 | + $result = $crop->getResult(); | |
67 | + | |
68 | + $response = Qiniu::uploadFile($bucket, $result); | |
69 | + | |
70 | + if(!empty($response)) | |
71 | + { | |
72 | + $response = $domain.$response; | |
73 | + @unlink($origin); | |
74 | + @unlink($result); | |
75 | + } | |
76 | + | |
77 | + $response = array( | |
78 | + 'state' => 200, | |
79 | + 'message' => $crop -> getMsg(), | |
80 | + 'result' => $response, | |
81 | + 'filename' => substr($response, strrpos($response, '/') + 1) | |
82 | + ); | |
83 | + | |
84 | + return json_encode($response); | |
85 | + } | |
86 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +suishengwan common project | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 11/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 5:20 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class RegExpPattern | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + /** | |
15 | + * 验证手机号 | |
16 | + */ | |
17 | + const REGEX_MOBILE = '/^1[34578]\d{9}$/'; | |
18 | + //验证用户名 | |
19 | + | |
20 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 10/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 6:23 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | +use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; | |
11 | + | |
12 | +/** | |
13 | + * Class Sms | |
14 | + * @package App\Common | |
15 | + */ | |
16 | +class Sms | |
17 | +{ | |
18 | + /** | |
19 | + * @return array | |
20 | + */ | |
21 | + private static function getHeadArray() | |
22 | + { | |
23 | + $AppKey = config('constants.sms.app_key'); | |
24 | + $AppSecret = config('constants.sms.app_Secret'); | |
25 | + $Nonce = rand(100000, 999999); | |
26 | + $CurTime = time(); | |
27 | + $CheckSum = strtolower(sha1($AppSecret . $Nonce . $CurTime)); | |
28 | + $head_arr = array(); | |
29 | + $head_arr[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; | |
30 | + $head_arr[] = 'charset: utf-8'; | |
31 | + $head_arr[] = 'AppKey:' . $AppKey; | |
32 | + $head_arr[] = 'Nonce:' . $Nonce; | |
33 | + $head_arr[] = 'CurTime:' . $CurTime; | |
34 | + $head_arr[] = 'CheckSum:' . $CheckSum; | |
35 | + | |
36 | + return $head_arr; | |
37 | + } | |
38 | + | |
39 | + /** | |
40 | + * @param $mobile | |
41 | + * @return bool | |
42 | + */ | |
43 | + public static function sendCode($mobile) | |
44 | + { | |
45 | + $target = config('constants.sms.base_url').config('constants.sms.code_url'); | |
46 | + | |
47 | + $head_arr = self::getHeadArray(); | |
48 | + | |
49 | + $post_data = "mobile=".$mobile."&codeLen=".config('constants.sms.code_len'); | |
50 | + | |
51 | + if (config('constants.sms.template_id')) | |
52 | + { | |
53 | + $post_data .= "&templateid=".config('constants.sms.template_id'); | |
54 | + } | |
55 | + | |
56 | + $result = Http::PostWithHeader($post_data, $head_arr, $target); | |
57 | + | |
58 | + Log::info('send code result: '.$result); | |
59 | + | |
60 | + if (strstr($result,"\"code\":200")) | |
61 | + return true; | |
62 | + else | |
63 | + return false; | |
64 | + } | |
65 | + | |
66 | + /** | |
67 | + * @param $mobile | |
68 | + * @param $code | |
69 | + * @return bool | |
70 | + */ | |
71 | + public static function verifyCode($mobile, $code) | |
72 | + { | |
73 | + $target = config('constants.sms.base_url').config('constants.sms.verify_url'); | |
74 | + | |
75 | + $head_arr = self::getHeadArray(); | |
76 | + | |
77 | + $post_data = "mobile=".$mobile."&code=".$code; | |
78 | + | |
79 | + $result = Http::PostWithHeader($post_data, $head_arr, $target); | |
80 | + | |
81 | + if (strstr($result,"\"code\":200")) | |
82 | + return true; | |
83 | + else | |
84 | + return false; | |
85 | + } | |
86 | + | |
87 | + /** | |
88 | + * @param $mobiles | |
89 | + * @param $template_id | |
90 | + * @param $params | |
91 | + * @return bool | |
92 | + */ | |
93 | + public static function sendTemplateMessage($mobiles, $template_id, $params) | |
94 | + { | |
95 | + $target = config('constants.sms.base_url').config('constants.sms.template_url'); | |
96 | + | |
97 | + $head_arr = self::getHeadArray(); | |
98 | + | |
99 | + $post_data = "templateid=".$template_id."&mobiles=".json_encode($mobiles)."¶ms=".json_encode($params); | |
100 | + | |
101 | + $result = Http::PostWithHeader($post_data, $head_arr, $target); | |
102 | + | |
103 | + if (strstr($result,"\"code\":200")) | |
104 | + return true; | |
105 | + else | |
106 | + return false; | |
107 | + } | |
108 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +namespace App\Common\TencentMQ; | |
4 | +/* | |
5 | +Account 对象非线程安全,如果多线程使用,需要每个线程单独初始化Account对象类 | |
6 | +*/ | |
7 | +class Account | |
8 | +{ | |
9 | + private $secretId; | |
10 | + private $secretKey; | |
11 | + private $cmq_client; | |
12 | + | |
13 | + /* | |
14 | + @type host: string | |
15 | + @param host: 访问的url,例如: | |
16 | + | |
17 | + @type secretId: string | |
18 | + @param secretId: 用户的secretId, 腾讯云官网获取 | |
19 | + | |
20 | + @type secretKey: string | |
21 | + @param secretKey: 用户的secretKey,腾讯云官网获取 | |
22 | + | |
23 | + @note: Exception | |
24 | + :: CMQClientParameterException host格式错误 | |
25 | + */ | |
26 | + | |
27 | + public function __construct($host, $secretId, $secretKey) { | |
28 | + $this->host = $host; | |
29 | + $this->secretId = $secretId; | |
30 | + $this->secretKey = $secretKey; | |
31 | + $this->cmq_client = new CMQClient($host, $secretId, $secretKey); | |
32 | + } | |
33 | + | |
34 | + /* | |
35 | + * @type sign_method:string | |
36 | + * @param sign_method : only support sha1 and sha256 | |
37 | + */ | |
38 | + public function set_sign_method($sign_method='sha1') | |
39 | + { | |
40 | + $this->cmq_client->set_sign_method($sign_method); | |
41 | + } | |
42 | + | |
43 | + | |
44 | + /* 设置访问的url | |
45 | + | |
46 | + @type host: string | |
47 | + @param host: 访问的url,例如: | |
48 | + | |
49 | + @type secretId: string | |
50 | + @param secretId: 用户的secretId,腾讯云官网获取 | |
51 | + | |
52 | + @type secretKey: string | |
53 | + @param secretKey: 用户的secretKey,腾讯云官网获取 | |
54 | + | |
55 | + @note: Exception | |
56 | + :: CMQClientParameterException host格式错误 | |
57 | + */ | |
58 | + public function set_client($host, $secretId=NULL, $secretKey=NULL) { | |
59 | + if ($secretId == NULL) { | |
60 | + $secretId = $this->secretId; | |
61 | + } | |
62 | + if ($secretKey == NULL) { | |
63 | + $secretKey = $this->secretKey; | |
64 | + } | |
65 | + $this->cmq_client = new CMQClient($host, $secretId, $secretKey); | |
66 | + } | |
67 | + | |
68 | + /* 获取queue client | |
69 | + | |
70 | + @rtype: CMQClient object | |
71 | + @return: 返回使用的CMQClient object | |
72 | + */ | |
73 | + public function get_client() { | |
74 | + return $this->cmq_client; | |
75 | + } | |
76 | + | |
77 | + /* 获取Account的一个Queue对象 | |
78 | + | |
79 | + @type queue_name: string | |
80 | + @param queue_name: 队列名 | |
81 | + | |
82 | + @rtype: Queue object | |
83 | + @return: 返回该Account的一个Queue对象 | |
84 | + */ | |
85 | + public function get_queue($queue_name) { | |
86 | + return new Queue($queue_name, $this->cmq_client); | |
87 | + } | |
88 | + | |
89 | + /* 列出Account的队列 | |
90 | + | |
91 | + @type searchWord: string | |
92 | + @param searchWord: 队列名的前缀 | |
93 | + | |
94 | + @type limit: int | |
95 | + @param limit: list_queue最多返回的队列数 | |
96 | + | |
97 | + @type offset: string | |
98 | + @param offset: list_queue的起始位置,上次list_queue返回的next_offset | |
99 | + | |
100 | + @rtype: tuple | |
101 | + @return: QueueURL的列表和下次list queue的起始位置; 如果所有queue都list出来,next_offset为"". | |
102 | + */ | |
103 | + public function list_queue($searchWord = "", $limit = -1, $offset = "") { | |
104 | + $params = array(); | |
105 | + if ($searchWord != "") { | |
106 | + $params['searchWord'] = $searchWord; | |
107 | + } | |
108 | + if ($limit != -1) { | |
109 | + $params['limit'] = $limit; | |
110 | + } | |
111 | + if ($offset != "") { | |
112 | + $params['offset'] = $offset; | |
113 | + } | |
114 | + | |
115 | + $ret_pkg = $this->cmq_client->list_queue($params); | |
116 | + | |
117 | + if ($offset == "") { | |
118 | + $next_offset = count($ret_pkg['queueList']); | |
119 | + } | |
120 | + else { | |
121 | + $next_offset = $offset + count($ret_pkg['queueList']); | |
122 | + } | |
123 | + if ($next_offset >= $ret_pkg['totalCount']) { | |
124 | + $next_offset = ""; | |
125 | + } | |
126 | + | |
127 | + return array("totalCount"=>$ret_pkg['totalCount'], | |
128 | + "queueList"=>$ret_pkg['queueList'], "next_offset"=>$next_offset); | |
129 | + } | |
130 | + | |
131 | + | |
132 | + /* 列出Account的主题 | |
133 | + | |
134 | + @type searchWord: string | |
135 | + @param searchWord: 主题关键字 | |
136 | + | |
137 | + @type limit: int | |
138 | + @param limit: 最多返回的主题数目 | |
139 | + | |
140 | + @type offset: string | |
141 | + @param offset: list_topic的起始位置,上次list_topic返回的next_offset | |
142 | + | |
143 | + @rtype: tuple | |
144 | + @return: TopicURL的列表和下次list topic的起始位置; 如果所有topic都list出来,next_offset为"". | |
145 | + */ | |
146 | + public function list_topic($searchWord = "", $limit = -1, $offset = ""){ | |
147 | + $params = array(); | |
148 | + if($searchWord != ""){ | |
149 | + $params['searchWord'] = $searchWord; | |
150 | + } | |
151 | + if($limit != -1){ | |
152 | + $params['limit'] = $limit; | |
153 | + } | |
154 | + if($offset != ""){ | |
155 | + $params['offset'] = $offset; | |
156 | + } | |
157 | + | |
158 | + $resp = $this->cmq_client->list_topic($params); | |
159 | + | |
160 | + if ($offset == ""){ | |
161 | + $next_offset = count($resp['topicList']); | |
162 | + } | |
163 | + else{ | |
164 | + $next_offset = $offset + count($resp['topicList']); | |
165 | + } | |
166 | + if($next_offset >= $resp['totalCount']){ | |
167 | + $next_offset = ""; | |
168 | + } | |
169 | + | |
170 | + return array("totalCoult" => $resp['totalCount'], | |
171 | + "topicList" =>$resp['topicList'], | |
172 | + "next_offset" => $next_offset); | |
173 | + } | |
174 | + | |
175 | + | |
176 | + /* 获取Account的一个Topic对象 | |
177 | + | |
178 | + @type topic_name: string | |
179 | + @param queue_name: | |
180 | + | |
181 | + @rtype: Topic object | |
182 | + @return: 返回该Account的一个Topic对象 | |
183 | + */ | |
184 | + public function get_topic($topic_name) | |
185 | + { | |
186 | + return new Topic($topic_name,$this->cmq_client); | |
187 | + } | |
188 | + | |
189 | + | |
190 | + /* 获取Account的一个Subscription对象 | |
191 | + | |
192 | + @type topic_name: string | |
193 | + @param queue_name: | |
194 | + | |
195 | + @type subscription_name :string | |
196 | + @param subscription_name: | |
197 | + | |
198 | + @rtype: Subscription object | |
199 | + @return: 返回该Account的一个Subscription对象 | |
200 | + */ | |
201 | + public function get_subscription($topic_name, $subscription_name) | |
202 | + { | |
203 | + return new Subscription($topic_name, $subscription_name,$this->cmq_client); | |
204 | + } | |
205 | + | |
206 | + | |
207 | +} | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +namespace App\Common\TencentMQ; | |
3 | + | |
4 | +class CMQClient | |
5 | +{ | |
6 | + private $host; | |
7 | + private $secretId; | |
8 | + private $secretKey; | |
9 | + private $version; | |
10 | + private $http; | |
11 | + private $method; | |
12 | + private $URISEC = '/v2/index.php'; | |
13 | + | |
14 | + public function __construct($host, $secretId, $secretKey, $version = "SDK_PHP_1.3", $method = "POST") { | |
15 | + $this->process_host($host); | |
16 | + $this->secretId = $secretId; | |
17 | + $this->secretKey = $secretKey; | |
18 | + $this->version = $version; | |
19 | + $this->method = $method; | |
20 | + $this->sign_method='HmacSHA1'; | |
21 | + $this->http = new CMQHttp($this->host); | |
22 | + } | |
23 | + | |
24 | + protected function process_host($host) { | |
25 | + if (strpos($host,"http://") === 0) { | |
26 | + $_host = substr($host,7,strlen($host)-7); | |
27 | + } | |
28 | + elseif (strpos($host,"https://") === 0) { | |
29 | + $_host = substr($host,8,strlen($host)-8); | |
30 | + } | |
31 | + else { | |
32 | + throw new CMQClientParameterException("Only support http(s) prototol. Invalid endpoint:" . $host); | |
33 | + } | |
34 | + if ($_host[strlen($_host)-1]=="/") { | |
35 | + $this->host = substr($_host,0,strlen($_host)-1); | |
36 | + } | |
37 | + else { | |
38 | + $this->host = $_host; | |
39 | + } | |
40 | + } | |
41 | + | |
42 | + public function set_sign_method($sign_method = 'sha1') | |
43 | + { | |
44 | + if ($sign_method == 'sha1' || $sign_method == 'HmacSHA256') | |
45 | + $this->sign_method = 'HmacSHA1'; | |
46 | + elseif ($sign_method == 'sha256') | |
47 | + $this->sign_method = 'HmacSHA256'; | |
48 | + else | |
49 | + throw new CMQClientParameterException('Only support sign method HmasSHA256 or HmacSHA1 . Invalid sign method:' . $sign_method); | |
50 | + | |
51 | + } | |
52 | + public function set_method($method='POST') { | |
53 | + $this->method = $method; | |
54 | + } | |
55 | + | |
56 | + public function set_connection_timeout($connection_timeout) { | |
57 | + $this->http->set_connection_timeout($connection_timeout); | |
58 | + } | |
59 | + | |
60 | + public function set_keep_alive($keep_alive) { | |
61 | + $this->http->set_keep_alive($keep_alive); | |
62 | + } | |
63 | + | |
64 | + protected function build_req_inter($action, $params, &$req_inter) { | |
65 | + $_params = $params; | |
66 | + $_params['Action'] = ucfirst($action); | |
67 | + $_params['RequestClient'] = $this->version; | |
68 | + | |
69 | + if(!isset($_params['SecretId'])) | |
70 | + $_params['SecretId'] = $this->secretId; | |
71 | + | |
72 | + if (!isset($_params['Nonce'])) | |
73 | + $_params['Nonce'] = rand(1, 65535); | |
74 | + | |
75 | + if (!isset($_params['Timestamp'])) | |
76 | + $_params['Timestamp'] = time(); | |
77 | + | |
78 | + if (!isset($_params['SignatureMethod'])) | |
79 | + $_params['SignatureMethod'] = $this->sign_method; | |
80 | + | |
81 | + $plainText = Signature::makeSignPlainText($_params, | |
82 | + $this->method, $this->host, $req_inter->uri); | |
83 | + $_params['Signature'] = Signature::sign($plainText, $this->secretKey,$this->sign_method); | |
84 | + | |
85 | + $req_inter->data = http_build_query($_params); | |
86 | + $this->build_header($req_inter); | |
87 | + } | |
88 | + | |
89 | + protected function build_header(&$req_inter) { | |
90 | + if ($this->http->is_keep_alive()) { | |
91 | + $req_inter->header["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"; | |
92 | + } | |
93 | + } | |
94 | + | |
95 | + protected function check_status($resp_inter) { | |
96 | + if ($resp_inter->status != 200) { | |
97 | + throw new CMQServerNetworkException($resp_inter->status, $resp_inter->header, $resp_inter->data); | |
98 | + } | |
99 | + | |
100 | + $resp = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
101 | + $code = $resp['code']; | |
102 | + $message = $resp['message']; | |
103 | + $requestId = $resp['requestId']; | |
104 | + | |
105 | + if ($code != 0) { | |
106 | + throw new CMQServerException($message=$message, $request_id=$requestId, $code=$code, $data=$resp); | |
107 | + } | |
108 | + } | |
109 | + | |
110 | + protected function request($action, $params) { | |
111 | + // make request internal | |
112 | + $req_inter = new RequestInternal($this->method, $this->URISEC); | |
113 | + $this->build_req_inter($action, $params, $req_inter); | |
114 | + | |
115 | + $iTimeout = 0; | |
116 | + | |
117 | + if(array_key_exists("UserpollingWaitSeconds", $params)) | |
118 | + { | |
119 | + $iTimeout=(int)$params['UserpollingWaitSeconds'] ; | |
120 | + } | |
121 | + // send request | |
122 | + $resp_inter = $this->http->send_request($req_inter, $iTimeout ); | |
123 | + | |
124 | + return $resp_inter; | |
125 | + } | |
126 | + | |
127 | +//===============================================queue operation=============================================== | |
128 | + | |
129 | + public function create_queue($params) { | |
130 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('CreateQueue', $params); | |
131 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
132 | + } | |
133 | + | |
134 | + public function delete_queue($params) { | |
135 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('DeleteQueue', $params); | |
136 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
137 | + } | |
138 | + public function rewindQueue($params){ | |
139 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('RewindQueue', $params); | |
140 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
141 | + } | |
142 | + public function list_queue($params) { | |
143 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('ListQueue', $params); | |
144 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
145 | + | |
146 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
147 | + return $ret; | |
148 | + } | |
149 | + | |
150 | + public function set_queue_attributes($params) { | |
151 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('SetQueueAttributes', $params); | |
152 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
153 | + } | |
154 | + | |
155 | + public function get_queue_attributes($params) { | |
156 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('GetQueueAttributes', $params); | |
157 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
158 | + | |
159 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
160 | + return $ret; | |
161 | + } | |
162 | + | |
163 | + public function send_message($params) { | |
164 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('SendMessage', $params); | |
165 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
166 | + | |
167 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
168 | + return $ret['msgId']; | |
169 | + } | |
170 | + | |
171 | + public function batch_send_message($params) { | |
172 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('BatchSendMessage', $params); | |
173 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
174 | + | |
175 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
176 | + return $ret['msgList']; | |
177 | + } | |
178 | + | |
179 | + public function receive_message($params) { | |
180 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('ReceiveMessage', $params); | |
181 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
182 | + | |
183 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
184 | + return $ret; | |
185 | + } | |
186 | + | |
187 | + public function batch_receive_message($params) { | |
188 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('BatchReceiveMessage', $params); | |
189 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
190 | + | |
191 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
192 | + return $ret['msgInfoList']; | |
193 | + } | |
194 | + | |
195 | + public function delete_message($params) { | |
196 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('DeleteMessage', $params); | |
197 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
198 | + } | |
199 | + | |
200 | + public function batch_delete_message($params) { | |
201 | + $resp_inter = $this->request('BatchDeleteMessage', $params); | |
202 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
203 | + } | |
204 | + | |
205 | + //=============================================topic operation================================================ | |
206 | + | |
207 | + public function create_topic($params){ | |
208 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("CreateTopic", $params); | |
209 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
210 | + } | |
211 | + | |
212 | + public function delete_topic($params){ | |
213 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("DeleteTopic", $params); | |
214 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
215 | + } | |
216 | + public function list_topic($params){ | |
217 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("ListTopic", $params); | |
218 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
219 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
220 | + return $ret; | |
221 | + } | |
222 | + public function set_topic_attributes($params){ | |
223 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("SetTopicAttributes", $params); | |
224 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
225 | + } | |
226 | + public function get_topic_attributes($params){ | |
227 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("GetTopicAttributes", $params); | |
228 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
229 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
230 | + return $ret; | |
231 | + } | |
232 | + | |
233 | + public function publish_message($params){ | |
234 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("PublishMessage", $params); | |
235 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
236 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
237 | + return $ret ; | |
238 | + } | |
239 | + public function batch_publish_message($params){ | |
240 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("BatchPublishMessage", $params); | |
241 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
242 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
243 | + return $ret ; | |
244 | + } | |
245 | + | |
246 | + //============================================subscription operation============================================= | |
247 | + public function create_subscription($params){ | |
248 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("Subscribe", $params); | |
249 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
250 | + } | |
251 | + public function clear_filterTags($params){ | |
252 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("ClearSubscriptionFilterTags", $params); | |
253 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
254 | + } | |
255 | + public function delete_subscription($params){ | |
256 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("Unsubscribe", $params); | |
257 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
258 | + } | |
259 | + public function get_subscription_attributes($params){ | |
260 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("GetSubscriptionAttributes", $params); | |
261 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
262 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
263 | + return $ret; | |
264 | + } | |
265 | + public function set_subscription_attributes($params){ | |
266 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("SetSubscriptionAttributes", $params); | |
267 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
268 | + } | |
269 | + public function list_subscription($params){ | |
270 | + $resp_inter = $this->request("ListSubscriptionByTopic", $params); | |
271 | + $this->check_status($resp_inter); | |
272 | + $ret = json_decode($resp_inter->data, TRUE); | |
273 | + return $ret; | |
274 | + } | |
275 | +} | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +namespace App\Common\TencentMQ; | |
3 | + | |
4 | +class CMQExceptionBase extends \RuntimeException | |
5 | +{ | |
6 | + /* | |
7 | + @type code: int | |
8 | + @param code: 错误类型 | |
9 | + | |
10 | + @type message: string | |
11 | + @param message: 错误描述 | |
12 | + | |
13 | + @type data: array | |
14 | + @param data: 错误数据 | |
15 | + */ | |
16 | + | |
17 | + public $code; | |
18 | + public $message; | |
19 | + public $data; | |
20 | + | |
21 | + public function __construct($message, $code=-1, $data=array()) | |
22 | + { | |
23 | + parent::__construct($message, $code, null); | |
24 | + $this->code = $code; | |
25 | + $this->message = $message; | |
26 | + $this->data = $data; | |
27 | + } | |
28 | + | |
29 | + public function __toString() | |
30 | + { | |
31 | + return "CMQExceptionBase " . $this->get_info(); | |
32 | + } | |
33 | + | |
34 | + public function get_info() | |
35 | + { | |
36 | + $info = array("code" => $this->code, | |
37 | + "data" => json_encode($this->data), | |
38 | + "message" => $this->message); | |
39 | + return json_encode($info); | |
40 | + } | |
41 | +} | |
42 | + | |
43 | +class CMQClientException extends CMQExceptionBase | |
44 | +{ | |
45 | + public function __construct($message, $code=-1, $data=array()) | |
46 | + { | |
47 | + parent::__construct($message, $code, $data); | |
48 | + } | |
49 | + | |
50 | + public function __toString() | |
51 | + { | |
52 | + return "CMQClientException " . $this->get_info(); | |
53 | + } | |
54 | +} | |
55 | + | |
56 | +class CMQClientNetworkException extends CMQClientException | |
57 | +{ | |
58 | + /* 网络异常 | |
59 | + | |
60 | + @note: 检查endpoint是否正确、本机网络是否正常等; | |
61 | + */ | |
62 | + public function __construct($message, $code=-1, $data=array()) | |
63 | + { | |
64 | + parent::__construct($message, $code, $data); | |
65 | + } | |
66 | + | |
67 | + public function __toString() | |
68 | + { | |
69 | + return "CMQClientNetworkException " . $this->get_info(); | |
70 | + } | |
71 | +} | |
72 | + | |
73 | +class CMQClientParameterException extends CMQClientException | |
74 | +{ | |
75 | + /* 参数格式错误 | |
76 | + | |
77 | + @note: 请根据提示修改对应参数; | |
78 | + */ | |
79 | + public function __construct($message, $code=-1, $data=array()) | |
80 | + { | |
81 | + parent::__construct($message, $code, $data); | |
82 | + } | |
83 | + | |
84 | + public function __toString() | |
85 | + { | |
86 | + return "CMQClientParameterException " . $this->get_info(); | |
87 | + } | |
88 | +} | |
89 | + | |
90 | +class CMQServerNetworkException extends CMQExceptionBase | |
91 | +{ | |
92 | + //服务器网络异常 | |
93 | + | |
94 | + public $status; | |
95 | + public $header; | |
96 | + public $data; | |
97 | + | |
98 | + public function __construct($status = 200, $header = NULL, $data = "") | |
99 | + { | |
100 | + if ($header == NULL) { | |
101 | + $header = array(); | |
102 | + } | |
103 | + $this->status = $status; | |
104 | + $this->header = $header; | |
105 | + $this->data = $data; | |
106 | + } | |
107 | + | |
108 | + public function __toString() | |
109 | + { | |
110 | + $info = array("status" => $this->status, | |
111 | + "header" => json_encode($this->header), | |
112 | + "data" => $this->data); | |
113 | + | |
114 | + return "CMQServerNetworkException " . json_encode($info); | |
115 | + } | |
116 | +} | |
117 | + | |
118 | +class CMQServerException extends CMQExceptionBase | |
119 | +{ | |
120 | + /* cmq处理异常 | |
121 | + | |
122 | + @note: 根据code进行分类处理,常见错误类型: | |
123 | + : 4000 参数不合法 | |
124 | + : 4100 鉴权失败:密钥不存在/失效 | |
125 | + : 4300 账户欠费了 | |
126 | + : 4400 消息大小超过队列属性设置的最大值 | |
127 | + : 4410 已达到队列最大的消息堆积数 | |
128 | + : 4420 qps限流 | |
129 | + : 4430 删除消息的句柄不合法或者过期了 | |
130 | + : 4440 队列不存在 | |
131 | + : 4450 队列个数超过限制 | |
132 | + : 4460 队列已经存在 | |
133 | + : 6000 服务器内部错误 | |
134 | + : 6010 批量删除消息失败(具体原因还要看每个消息删除失败的错误码) | |
135 | + : 7000 空消息,即队列当前没有可用消息 | |
136 | + : 更多错误类型请登录腾讯云消息服务官网进行了解; | |
137 | + */ | |
138 | + | |
139 | + public $request_id; | |
140 | + public function __construct($message, $request_id, $code=-1, $data=array()) | |
141 | + { | |
142 | + parent::__construct($message, $code, $data); | |
143 | + $this->request_id = $request_id; | |
144 | + } | |
145 | + | |
146 | + public function __toString() | |
147 | + { | |
148 | + return "CMQServerException " . $this->get_info() . ", RequestID:" . $this->request_id; | |
149 | + } | |
150 | +} | |
151 | + | |
152 | +?> | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +namespace App\Common\TencentMQ; | |
3 | + | |
4 | +class CMQHttp | |
5 | +{ | |
6 | + private $connection_timeout; | |
7 | + private $keep_alive; | |
8 | + private $host; | |
9 | + | |
10 | + public function __construct($host, $connection_timeout=10, $keep_alive=true) { | |
11 | + $this->connection_timeout = $connection_timeout; | |
12 | + $this->keep_alive = $keep_alive; | |
13 | + $this->host = $host . "" . "/v2/index.php"; | |
14 | + $this->curl = NULL; | |
15 | + } | |
16 | + | |
17 | + public function set_method($method='POST') { | |
18 | + $this->method = $method; | |
19 | + } | |
20 | + | |
21 | + public function set_connection_timeout($connection_timeout) { | |
22 | + $this->connection_timeout = $connection_timeout; | |
23 | + } | |
24 | + | |
25 | + public function set_keep_alive($keep_alive) { | |
26 | + $this->keep_alive = $keep_alive; | |
27 | + } | |
28 | + | |
29 | + public function is_keep_alive() { | |
30 | + return $this->keep_alive; | |
31 | + } | |
32 | + | |
33 | + public function send_request($req_inter, $userTimeout) { | |
34 | + if(!$this->keep_alive) | |
35 | + { | |
36 | + $this->curl = curl_init(); | |
37 | + } | |
38 | + else | |
39 | + { | |
40 | + if($this->curl == NULL) | |
41 | + $this->curl = curl_init(); | |
42 | + } | |
43 | + | |
44 | + if($this->curl == NULL) | |
45 | + { | |
46 | + throw new CMQClientException("Curl init failed"); | |
47 | + return; | |
48 | + } | |
49 | + | |
50 | + $url = $this->host; | |
51 | + if ($req_inter->method == 'POST') | |
52 | + { | |
53 | + curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); | |
54 | + curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $req_inter->data); | |
55 | + } | |
56 | + else | |
57 | + { | |
58 | + $url .= $req_inter->uri . '?' . $req_inter->data; | |
59 | + } | |
60 | + | |
61 | + if (isset($req_inter->header)) { | |
62 | + curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $req_inter->header); | |
63 | + } | |
64 | + | |
65 | + curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); | |
66 | + curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->connection_timeout +$userTimeout ); | |
67 | + | |
68 | + curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); | |
69 | + | |
70 | + if (false !== strpos($url, "https")) { | |
71 | + // 证书 | |
72 | + // curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_CAINFO,"ca.crt"); | |
73 | + curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); | |
74 | + curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); | |
75 | + } | |
76 | + $resultStr = curl_exec($this->curl); | |
77 | + if(curl_errno($this->curl)) { | |
78 | + throw new CMQClientNetworkException(curl_error($this->curl)); | |
79 | + } | |
80 | + $info = curl_getinfo($this->curl); | |
81 | + $resp_inter = new ResponseInternal($info['http_code'], NULL, $resultStr); | |
82 | + return $resp_inter; | |
83 | + } | |
84 | +} | |
85 | + | |
86 | +class RequestInternal | |
87 | +{ | |
88 | + public $header; | |
89 | + public $method; | |
90 | + public $uri; | |
91 | + public $data; | |
92 | + | |
93 | + public function __construct($method = "", $uri = "", $header = NULL, $data = "") { | |
94 | + if ($header == NULL) { | |
95 | + $header = array(); | |
96 | + } | |
97 | + $this->method = $method; | |
98 | + $this->uri = $uri; | |
99 | + $this->header = $header; | |
100 | + $this->data = $data; | |
101 | + } | |
102 | + | |
103 | + public function __toString() | |
104 | + { | |
105 | + $info = array("method" => $this->method, | |
106 | + "uri" => $this->uri, | |
107 | + "header" => json_encode($this->header), | |
108 | + "data" => $this->data); | |
109 | + return json_encode($info); | |
110 | + } | |
111 | +} | |
112 | + | |
113 | +class ResponseInternal | |
114 | +{ | |
115 | + public $header; | |
116 | + public $status; | |
117 | + public $data; | |
118 | + | |
119 | + public function __construct($status = 0, $header = NULL, $data = "") { | |
120 | + if ($header == NULL) { | |
121 | + $header = array(); | |
122 | + } | |
123 | + $this->status = $status; | |
124 | + $this->header = $header; | |
125 | + $this->data = $data; | |
126 | + } | |
127 | + | |
128 | + public function __toString() | |
129 | + { | |
130 | + $info = array("status" => $this->status, | |
131 | + "header" => json_encode($this->header), | |
132 | + "data" => $this->data); | |
133 | + return json_encode($info); | |
134 | + } | |
135 | +} | |
136 | + | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 10/02/2018 | |
6 | + * Time: 2:47 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | +namespace App\Common\TencentMQ; | |
9 | + | |
10 | + | |
11 | +use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; | |
12 | + | |
13 | +class HttpProducer | |
14 | +{ | |
15 | + private $host; | |
16 | + private $secretId; | |
17 | + private $secretKey; | |
18 | + | |
19 | + /* | |
20 | + @type host: string | |
21 | + @param host: 访问的url,例如: | |
22 | + | |
23 | + @type secretId: string | |
24 | + @param secretId: 用户的secretId, 腾讯云官网获取 | |
25 | + | |
26 | + @type secretKey: string | |
27 | + @param secretKey: 用户的secretKey,腾讯云官网获取 | |
28 | + | |
29 | + @note: Exception | |
30 | + :: CMQClientParameterException host格式错误 | |
31 | + */ | |
32 | + | |
33 | + public function __construct($host, $secretId, $secretKey) { | |
34 | + $this->host = $host; | |
35 | + $this->secretId = $secretId; | |
36 | + $this->secretKey = $secretKey; | |
37 | + $this->cmq_client = new CMQClient($host, $secretId, $secretKey); | |
38 | + } | |
39 | + | |
40 | + | |
41 | + public function sendMessage($queueName, $messageBody, $delay = 0) { | |
42 | + | |
43 | + $account = new Account($this->host, $this->secretId, $this->secretKey); | |
44 | + | |
45 | + $queue = $account->get_queue($queueName); | |
46 | + | |
47 | + $msg = new Message($messageBody); | |
48 | + $re_msg = $queue->send_message($msg, $delay); | |
49 | + | |
50 | + Log::info('ret_msg is'.json_encode($re_msg)); | |
51 | + | |
52 | + return $re_msg; | |
53 | + } | |
54 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +namespace App\Common\TencentMQ; | |
3 | + | |
4 | +class Queue | |
5 | +{ | |
6 | + private $queue_name; | |
7 | + private $cmq_client; | |
8 | + private $encoding; | |
9 | + | |
10 | + public function __construct($queue_name, $cmq_client, $encoding=false) { | |
11 | + $this->queue_name = $queue_name; | |
12 | + $this->cmq_client = $cmq_client; | |
13 | + $this->encoding = $encoding; | |
14 | + } | |
15 | + | |
16 | + /* 设置是否对消息体进行base64编码 | |
17 | + | |
18 | + @type encoding: bool | |
19 | + @param encoding: 是否对消息体进行base64编码 | |
20 | + */ | |
21 | + public function set_encoding($encoding) { | |
22 | + $this->encoding = $encoding; | |
23 | + } | |
24 | + | |
25 | + /* 创建队列 | |
26 | + | |
27 | + @type queue_meta: QueueMeta object | |
28 | + @param queue_meta: QueueMeta对象,设置队列的属性 | |
29 | + */ | |
30 | + public function create($queue_meta) { | |
31 | + $params = array( | |
32 | + 'queueName' => $this->queue_name, | |
33 | + 'pollingWaitSeconds' => $queue_meta->pollingWaitSeconds, | |
34 | + 'visibilityTimeout' => $queue_meta->visibilityTimeout, | |
35 | + 'maxMsgSize' => $queue_meta->maxMsgSize, | |
36 | + 'msgRetentionSeconds' => $queue_meta->msgRetentionSeconds, | |
37 | + 'rewindSeconds' => $queue_meta->rewindSeconds, | |
38 | + ); | |
39 | + if ($queue_meta->maxMsgHeapNum > 0) { | |
40 | + $params['maxMsgHeapNum'] = $queue_meta->maxMsgHeapNum; | |
41 | + } | |
42 | + $this->cmq_client->create_queue($params); | |
43 | + } | |
44 | + | |
45 | + /* 获取队列属性 | |
46 | + | |
47 | + @rtype: QueueMeta object | |
48 | + @return 队列的属性 | |
49 | + */ | |
50 | + public function get_attributes() { | |
51 | + $params = array( | |
52 | + 'queueName' => $this->queue_name | |
53 | + ); | |
54 | + $resp = $this->cmq_client->get_queue_attributes($params); | |
55 | + $queue_meta = new QueueMeta(); | |
56 | + $queue_meta->queueName = $this->queue_name; | |
57 | + $this->__resp2meta__($queue_meta, $resp); | |
58 | + return $queue_meta; | |
59 | + } | |
60 | + | |
61 | + /* 设置队列属性 | |
62 | + | |
63 | + @type queue_meta: QueueMeta object | |
64 | + @param queue_meta: QueueMeta对象,设置队列的属性 | |
65 | + */ | |
66 | + public function set_attributes($queue_meta) { | |
67 | + $params = array( | |
68 | + 'queueName' => $this->queue_name, | |
69 | + 'pollingWaitSeconds' => $queue_meta->pollingWaitSeconds, | |
70 | + 'visibilityTimeout' => $queue_meta->visibilityTimeout, | |
71 | + 'maxMsgSize' => $queue_meta->maxMsgSize, | |
72 | + 'msgRetentionSeconds' => $queue_meta->msgRetentionSeconds, | |
73 | + 'rewindSeconds' => $queue_meta->rewindSeconds | |
74 | + ); | |
75 | + if ($queue_meta->maxMsgHeapNum > 0) { | |
76 | + $params['maxMsgHeapNum'] = $queue_meta->maxMsgHeapNum; | |
77 | + } | |
78 | + | |
79 | + $this->cmq_client->set_queue_attributes($params); | |
80 | + } | |
81 | + | |
82 | + | |
83 | + public function rewindQueue($backTrackingTime){ | |
84 | + $params = array( | |
85 | + 'queueName' => $this->queue_name, | |
86 | + 'startConsumeTime' => $backTrackingTime | |
87 | + ); | |
88 | + $this->cmq_client->rewindQueue($params); | |
89 | + } | |
90 | + | |
91 | + /* 删除队列 | |
92 | + | |
93 | + */ | |
94 | + public function delete() { | |
95 | + $params = array('queueName' => $this->queue_name); | |
96 | + $this->cmq_client->delete_queue($params); | |
97 | + } | |
98 | + | |
99 | + /* 发送消息 | |
100 | + | |
101 | + @type message: Message object | |
102 | + @param message: 发送的Message object | |
103 | + | |
104 | + @rtype: Message object | |
105 | + @return 消息发送成功的返回属性,包含MessageId | |
106 | + | |
107 | + */ | |
108 | + public function send_message($message, $delayTime = 0) { | |
109 | + if ($this->encoding) { | |
110 | + $msgBody = base64_encode($message->msgBody); | |
111 | + } | |
112 | + else { | |
113 | + $msgBody = $message->msgBody; | |
114 | + } | |
115 | + $params = array( | |
116 | + 'queueName' => $this->queue_name, | |
117 | + 'msgBody' => $msgBody, | |
118 | + 'delaySeconds' => $delayTime | |
119 | + ); | |
120 | + $msgId = $this->cmq_client->send_message($params); | |
121 | + $retmsg = new Message(); | |
122 | + $retmsg->msgId = $msgId; | |
123 | + return $retmsg; | |
124 | + } | |
125 | + | |
126 | + /* 批量发送消息 | |
127 | + | |
128 | + @type messages: list of Message object | |
129 | + @param messages: 发送的Message object list | |
130 | + | |
131 | + @rtype: list of Message object | |
132 | + @return 多条消息发送成功的返回属性,包含MessageId | |
133 | + */ | |
134 | + public function batch_send_message($messages,$delayTime = 0) { | |
135 | + $params = array( | |
136 | + 'queueName' => $this->queue_name, | |
137 | + 'delaySeconds' => $delayTime | |
138 | + ); | |
139 | + $n = 1; | |
140 | + foreach ($messages as $message) { | |
141 | + $key = 'msgBody.' . $n; | |
142 | + if ($this->encoding) { | |
143 | + $params[$key] = base64_encode($message->msgBody); | |
144 | + } | |
145 | + else { | |
146 | + $params[$key] = $message->msgBody; | |
147 | + } | |
148 | + $n += 1; | |
149 | + } | |
150 | + $msgList = $this->cmq_client->batch_send_message($params); | |
151 | + $retMessageList = array(); | |
152 | + foreach ($msgList as $msg) { | |
153 | + $retmsg = new Message(); | |
154 | + $retmsg->msgId = $msg['msgId']; | |
155 | + $retMessageList [] = $retmsg; | |
156 | + } | |
157 | + return $retMessageList; | |
158 | + } | |
159 | + | |
160 | + /* 消费消息 | |
161 | + | |
162 | + @type polling_wait_seconds: int | |
163 | + @param polling_wait_seconds: 本次请求的长轮询时间,单位:秒 | |
164 | + | |
165 | + @rtype: Message object | |
166 | + @return Message object中包含基本属性、临时句柄 | |
167 | + */ | |
168 | + public function receive_message($polling_wait_seconds = NULL) { | |
169 | + | |
170 | + $params = array('queueName'=>$this->queue_name); | |
171 | + if ($polling_wait_seconds != NULL) { | |
172 | + $params['UserpollingWaitSeconds'] = $polling_wait_seconds; | |
173 | + $params['pollingWaitSeconds'] = $polling_wait_seconds; | |
174 | + } | |
175 | + else | |
176 | + { | |
177 | + $params['UserpollingWaitSeconds'] =30; | |
178 | + } | |
179 | + $resp = $this->cmq_client->receive_message($params); | |
180 | + $msg = new Message(); | |
181 | + if ($this->encoding) { | |
182 | + $msg->msgBody = base64_decode($resp['msgBody']); | |
183 | + } | |
184 | + else { | |
185 | + $msg->msgBody = $resp['msgBody']; | |
186 | + } | |
187 | + $msg->msgId = $resp['msgId']; | |
188 | + $msg->receiptHandle = $resp['receiptHandle']; | |
189 | + $msg->enqueueTime = $resp['enqueueTime']; | |
190 | + $msg->nextVisibleTime = $resp['nextVisibleTime']; | |
191 | + $msg->dequeueCount = $resp['dequeueCount']; | |
192 | + $msg->firstDequeueTime = $resp['firstDequeueTime']; | |
193 | + return $msg; | |
194 | + } | |
195 | + | |
196 | + /* 批量消费消息 | |
197 | + | |
198 | + @type num_of_msg: int | |
199 | + @param num_of_msg: 本次请求最多获取的消息条数 | |
200 | + | |
201 | + @type polling_wait_seconds: int | |
202 | + @param polling_wait_seconds: 本次请求的长轮询时间,单位:秒 | |
203 | + | |
204 | + @rtype: list of Message object | |
205 | + @return 多条消息的属性,包含消息的基本属性、临时句柄 | |
206 | + */ | |
207 | + public function batch_receive_message($num_of_msg, $polling_wait_seconds = NULL) { | |
208 | + $params = array('queueName'=>$this->queue_name, 'numOfMsg'=>$num_of_msg); | |
209 | + if ($polling_wait_seconds != NULL) { | |
210 | + $params['UserpollingWaitSeconds'] = $polling_wait_seconds; | |
211 | + $params['pollingWaitSeconds'] = $polling_wait_seconds; | |
212 | + } | |
213 | + else{ | |
214 | + $params['UserpollingWaitSeconds'] = 30; | |
215 | + } | |
216 | + $msgInfoList = $this->cmq_client->batch_receive_message($params); | |
217 | + $retMessageList = array(); | |
218 | + foreach ($msgInfoList as $msg) { | |
219 | + $retmsg = new Message(); | |
220 | + if ($this->encoding) { | |
221 | + $retmsg->msgBody = base64_decode($msg['msgBody']); | |
222 | + } | |
223 | + else { | |
224 | + $retmsg->msgBody = $msg['msgBody']; | |
225 | + } | |
226 | + $retmsg->msgId = $msg['msgId']; | |
227 | + $retmsg->receiptHandle = $msg['receiptHandle']; | |
228 | + $retmsg->enqueueTime = $msg['enqueueTime']; | |
229 | + $retmsg->nextVisibleTime = $msg['nextVisibleTime']; | |
230 | + $retmsg->dequeueCount = $msg['dequeueCount']; | |
231 | + $retmsg->firstDequeueTime = $msg['firstDequeueTime']; | |
232 | + $retMessageList [] = $retmsg; | |
233 | + } | |
234 | + return $retMessageList; | |
235 | + } | |
236 | + | |
237 | + /* 删除消息 | |
238 | + | |
239 | + @type receipt_handle: string | |
240 | + @param receipt_handle: 最近一次操作该消息返回的临时句柄 | |
241 | + */ | |
242 | + public function delete_message($receipt_handle) { | |
243 | + $params = array('queueName'=>$this->queue_name, 'receiptHandle'=>$receipt_handle); | |
244 | + $this->cmq_client->delete_message($params); | |
245 | + } | |
246 | + | |
247 | + /* 批量删除消息 | |
248 | + | |
249 | + @type receipt_handle_list: list | |
250 | + @param receipt_handle_list: batch_receive_message返回的多条消息的临时句柄 | |
251 | + */ | |
252 | + public function batch_delete_message($receipt_handle_list) { | |
253 | + $params = array('queueName'=>$this->queue_name); | |
254 | + $n = 1; | |
255 | + foreach ($receipt_handle_list as $receipt_handle) { | |
256 | + $key = 'receiptHandle.' . $n; | |
257 | + $params[$key] = $receipt_handle; | |
258 | + $n += 1; | |
259 | + } | |
260 | + $this->cmq_client->batch_delete_message($params); | |
261 | + } | |
262 | + | |
263 | + | |
264 | + protected function __resp2meta__($queue_meta, $resp) { | |
265 | + if (isset($resp['queueName'])) { | |
266 | + $queue_meta->queueName = $resp['queueName']; | |
267 | + } | |
268 | + if (isset($resp['maxMsgHeapNum'])) { | |
269 | + $queue_meta->maxMsgHeapNum = $resp['maxMsgHeapNum']; | |
270 | + } | |
271 | + if (isset($resp['pollingWaitSeconds'])) { | |
272 | + $queue_meta->pollingWaitSeconds = $resp['pollingWaitSeconds']; | |
273 | + } | |
274 | + if (isset($resp['visibilityTimeout'])) { | |
275 | + $queue_meta->visibilityTimeout = $resp['visibilityTimeout']; | |
276 | + } | |
277 | + if (isset($resp['maxMsgSize'])) { | |
278 | + $queue_meta->maxMsgSize = $resp['maxMsgSize']; | |
279 | + } | |
280 | + if (isset($resp['msgRetentionSeconds'])) { | |
281 | + $queue_meta->msgRetentionSeconds = $resp['msgRetentionSeconds']; | |
282 | + } | |
283 | + if (isset($resp['createTime'])) { | |
284 | + $queue_meta->createTime = $resp['createTime']; | |
285 | + } | |
286 | + if (isset($resp['lastModifyTime'])) { | |
287 | + $queue_meta->lastModifyTime = $resp['lastModifyTime']; | |
288 | + } | |
289 | + if (isset($resp['activeMsgNum'])) { | |
290 | + $queue_meta->activeMsgNum = $resp['activeMsgNum']; | |
291 | + } | |
292 | + if (isset($resp['rewindSeconds'])) { | |
293 | + $queue_meta->rewindSeconds = $resp['rewindSeconds']; | |
294 | + } | |
295 | + if (isset($resp['inactiveMsgNum'])) { | |
296 | + $queue_meta->inactiveMsgNum = $resp['inactiveMsgNum']; | |
297 | + } | |
298 | + if (isset($resp['rewindmsgNum'])) { | |
299 | + $queue_meta->rewindmsgNum = $resp['rewindmsgNum']; | |
300 | + } | |
301 | + if (isset($resp['minMsgTime'])) { | |
302 | + $queue_meta->minMsgTime = $resp['minMsgTime']; | |
303 | + } | |
304 | + if (isset($resp['delayMsgNum'])) { | |
305 | + $queue_meta->delayMsgNum = $resp['delayMsgNum']; | |
306 | + } | |
307 | + | |
308 | + } | |
309 | +} | |
310 | + | |
311 | + | |
312 | +class QueueMeta | |
313 | +{ | |
314 | + public $queueName; | |
315 | + public $maxMsgHeapNum; | |
316 | + public $pollingWaitSeconds; | |
317 | + public $visibilityTimeout; | |
318 | + public $maxMsgSize; | |
319 | + public $msgRetentionSeconds; | |
320 | + public $createTime; | |
321 | + public $lastModifyTime; | |
322 | + public $activeMsgNum; | |
323 | + public $inactiveMsgNum; | |
324 | + public $rewindSeconds; | |
325 | + public $rewindmsgNum; | |
326 | + public $minMsgTime; | |
327 | + public $delayMsgNum; | |
328 | + /* 队列属性 | |
329 | + @note: 设置属性 | |
330 | + :: maxMsgHeapNum: 最大堆积消息数 | |
331 | + :: pollingWaitSeconds: receive message时,长轮询时间,单位:秒 | |
332 | + :: visibilityTimeout: 消息可见性超时, 单位:秒 | |
333 | + :: maxMsgSize: 消息最大长度, 单位:Byte | |
334 | + :: msgRetentionSeconds: 消息保留周期,单位:秒 | |
335 | + :: rewindSeconds : 最大回溯时间, 单位:秒 | |
336 | + | |
337 | + @note: 非设置属性 | |
338 | + :: activeMsgNum: 可消费消息数,近似值 | |
339 | + :: inactiveMsgNum: 正在被消费的消息数,近似值 | |
340 | + :: createTime: queue创建时间,单位:秒 | |
341 | + :: lastModifyTime: 修改queue属性的最近时间,单位:秒 | |
342 | + :: queue_name: 队列名称 | |
343 | + :: rewindmsgNum:已删除,但是任然在回溯保留时间内的消息数量 | |
344 | + :: minMsgTime: 消息最小未消费时间,单位为秒 | |
345 | + :: delayMsgNum:延时消息数量 | |
346 | + */ | |
347 | + public function __construct() { | |
348 | + $this->queueName = ""; | |
349 | + $this->maxMsgHeapNum = -1; | |
350 | + $this->pollingWaitSeconds = 0; | |
351 | + $this->visibilityTimeout = 30; | |
352 | + $this->maxMsgSize = 65536; | |
353 | + $this->msgRetentionSeconds = 345600; | |
354 | + $this->createTime = -1; | |
355 | + $this->lastModifyTime = -1; | |
356 | + $this->activeMsgNum = -1; | |
357 | + $this->inactiveMsgNum = -1; | |
358 | + $this->rewindSeconds = 0 ; | |
359 | + $this->rewindmsgNum = 0; | |
360 | + $this->minMsgTime = 0; | |
361 | + $this->delayMsgNum = 0 ; | |
362 | + } | |
363 | + | |
364 | + public function __toString() | |
365 | + { | |
366 | + $info = array("visibilityTimeout" => $this->visibilityTimeout, | |
367 | + "maxMsgHeapNum" => $this->maxMsgHeapNum, | |
368 | + "maxMsgSize" => $this->maxMsgSize, | |
369 | + "msgRetentionSeconds" => $this->msgRetentionSeconds, | |
370 | + "pollingWaitSeconds" => $this->pollingWaitSeconds, | |
371 | + "activeMsgNum" => $this->activeMsgNum, | |
372 | + "inactiveMsgNum" => $this->inactiveMsgNum, | |
373 | + "createTime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->createTime), | |
374 | + "lastModifyTime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->lastModifyTime), | |
375 | + "QueueName" => $this->queueName, | |
376 | + "rewindSeconds" => $this->rewindSeconds, | |
377 | + "rewindmsgNum" => $this->rewindmsgNum, | |
378 | + "minMsgTime" => $this->minMsgTime, | |
379 | + "delayMsgNum" => $this->delayMsgNum); | |
380 | + return json_encode($info); | |
381 | + } | |
382 | +} | |
383 | + | |
384 | +class Message | |
385 | +{ | |
386 | + public $msgBody; | |
387 | + public $msgId; | |
388 | + public $enqueueTime; | |
389 | + public $receiptHandle; | |
390 | + | |
391 | + /* 消息属性 | |
392 | + | |
393 | + @note: send_message 指定属性 | |
394 | + :: msgBody 消息体 | |
395 | + | |
396 | + @note: send_message 返回属性 | |
397 | + :: msgId 消息编号 | |
398 | + | |
399 | + @note: receive_message 返回属性,除基本属性外 | |
400 | + :: receiptHandle 下次删除或修改消息的临时句柄 | |
401 | + :: enqueueTime 消息入队时间 | |
402 | + :: nextVisibleTime 下次可被再次消费的时间 | |
403 | + :: dequeueCount 总共被消费的次数 | |
404 | + :: firstDequeueTime 第一次被消费的时间 | |
405 | + */ | |
406 | + public function __construct($message_body = "") { | |
407 | + $this->msgBody = $message_body; | |
408 | + $this->msgId = ""; | |
409 | + $this->enqueueTime = -1; | |
410 | + $this->receiptHandle = ""; | |
411 | + $this->nextVisibleTime = -1; | |
412 | + $this->dequeueCount = -1; | |
413 | + $this->firstDequeueTime = -1; | |
414 | + } | |
415 | + | |
416 | + public function __toString() | |
417 | + { | |
418 | + $info = array("msgBody" => $this->msgBody, | |
419 | + "msgId" => $this->msgId, | |
420 | + "enqueueTime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->enqueueTime), | |
421 | + "nextVisibleTime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->nextVisibleTime), | |
422 | + "firstDequeueTime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->firstDequeueTime), | |
423 | + "dequeueCount" => $this->dequeueCount, | |
424 | + "receiptHandle" => $this->receiptHandle); | |
425 | + return json_encode($info); | |
426 | + } | |
427 | +} | |
428 | + | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +namespace App\Common\TencentMQ; | |
4 | + | |
5 | +/** | |
6 | + * Sign | |
7 | + * 签名类 | |
8 | +*/ | |
9 | +class Signature | |
10 | +{ | |
11 | + /** | |
12 | + * sign | |
13 | + * 生成签名 | |
14 | + * @param string $srcStr 拼接签名源文字符串 | |
15 | + * @param string $secretKey secretKey | |
16 | + * @param string $method 请求方法 | |
17 | + * @return | |
18 | + */ | |
19 | + public static function sign($srcStr, $secretKey, $method = 'HmacSHA1') | |
20 | + { | |
21 | + switch ($method) { | |
22 | + case 'HmacSHA1': | |
23 | + $retStr = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $srcStr, $secretKey, true)); | |
24 | + break; | |
25 | + case 'HmacSHA256': | |
26 | + $retStr = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $srcStr, $secretKey, true)); | |
27 | + break; | |
28 | + default: | |
29 | + throw new Exception($method . ' is not a supported encrypt method'); | |
30 | + return false; | |
31 | + break; | |
32 | + } | |
33 | + | |
34 | + return $retStr; | |
35 | + } | |
36 | + | |
37 | + | |
38 | + | |
39 | + /** | |
40 | + * makeSignPlainText | |
41 | + * 生成拼接签名源文字符串 | |
42 | + * @param array $requestParams 请求参数 | |
43 | + * @param string $requestMethod 请求方法 | |
44 | + * @param string $requestHost 接口域名 | |
45 | + * @param string $requestPath url路径 | |
46 | + * @return | |
47 | + */ | |
48 | + public static function makeSignPlainText($requestParams, | |
49 | + $requestMethod = 'POST', $requestHost = YUNAPI_URL, | |
50 | + $requestPath = '/v2/index.php') | |
51 | + { | |
52 | + | |
53 | + $url = $requestHost . $requestPath; | |
54 | + | |
55 | + // 取出所有的参数 | |
56 | + $paramStr = self::_buildParamStr($requestParams, $requestMethod); | |
57 | + | |
58 | + $plainText = $requestMethod . $url . $paramStr; | |
59 | + | |
60 | + return $plainText; | |
61 | + } | |
62 | + | |
63 | + /** | |
64 | + * _buildParamStr | |
65 | + * 拼接参数 | |
66 | + * @param array $requestParams 请求参数 | |
67 | + * @param string $requestMethod 请求方法 | |
68 | + * @return | |
69 | + */ | |
70 | + protected static function _buildParamStr($requestParams, $requestMethod = 'POST') | |
71 | + { | |
72 | + $paramStr = ''; | |
73 | + ksort($requestParams); | |
74 | + $i = 0; | |
75 | + foreach ($requestParams as $key => $value) | |
76 | + { | |
77 | + if ($key == 'Signature') | |
78 | + { | |
79 | + continue; | |
80 | + } | |
81 | + // 排除上传文件的参数 | |
82 | + if ($requestMethod == 'POST' && substr($value, 0, 1) == '@') { | |
83 | + continue; | |
84 | + } | |
85 | + // 把 参数中的 _ 替换成 . | |
86 | + if (strpos($key, '_')) | |
87 | + { | |
88 | + $key = str_replace('_', '.', $key); | |
89 | + } | |
90 | + | |
91 | + if ($i == 0) | |
92 | + { | |
93 | + $paramStr .= '?'; | |
94 | + } | |
95 | + else | |
96 | + { | |
97 | + $paramStr .= '&'; | |
98 | + } | |
99 | + $paramStr .= $key . '=' . $value; | |
100 | + ++$i; | |
101 | + } | |
102 | + | |
103 | + return $paramStr; | |
104 | + } | |
105 | + | |
106 | +} | |
107 | + | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +namespace App\Common\TencentMQ; | |
3 | + | |
4 | +class Subscription | |
5 | +{ | |
6 | + private $topic_name; | |
7 | + private $subscription_name; | |
8 | + private $cmq_client; | |
9 | + private $encoding; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + public function __construct($topic_name,$subscription_name,$cmq_client,$encoding = false){ | |
12 | + $this->topic_name = $topic_name; | |
13 | + $this->subscription_name = $subscription_name; | |
14 | + $this->cmq_client = $cmq_client; | |
15 | + $this->encoding = $encoding; | |
16 | + } | |
17 | + public function set_encoding($encoding){ | |
18 | + $this->encoding = $encoding; | |
19 | + } | |
20 | + | |
21 | + /* | |
22 | + * create subscription | |
23 | + * @type subscription_meta :SubscriptionMeta | |
24 | + */ | |
25 | + public function create($subscription_meta){ | |
26 | + $params=array( | |
27 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name, | |
28 | + 'subscriptionName' => $this->subscription_name, | |
29 | + 'notifyStrategy' => $subscription_meta->NotifyStrategy, | |
30 | + 'notifyContentFormat' => $subscription_meta->NotifyContentFormat, | |
31 | + ); | |
32 | + if ($subscription_meta->Endpoint != ""){ | |
33 | + $params['endpoint'] = $subscription_meta->Endpoint; | |
34 | + } | |
35 | + if($subscription_meta->Protocol !=""){ | |
36 | + $params['protocol'] = $subscription_meta->Protocol; | |
37 | + } | |
38 | + | |
39 | + if(! $subscription_meta->bindindKey != null && is_array($subscription_meta->bindindKey) && !empty($subscription_meta->bindindKey)){ | |
40 | + $n = 1; | |
41 | + foreach ($subscription_meta->bindindKey as $tag) | |
42 | + { | |
43 | + $key = 'bindindKey.' . $n; | |
44 | + $params[$key] = $tag; | |
45 | + $n += 1 ; | |
46 | + } | |
47 | + } | |
48 | + | |
49 | + if(! $subscription_meta->FilterTag != null && is_array($subscription_meta->FilterTag) && !empty($subscription_meta->FilterTag)){ | |
50 | + $n = 1; | |
51 | + foreach ($subscription_meta->FilterTag as $tag) | |
52 | + { | |
53 | + $key = 'filterTag.' . $n; | |
54 | + $params[$key] = $tag; | |
55 | + $n += 1 ; | |
56 | + } | |
57 | + } | |
58 | + $this->cmq_client->create_subscription($params); | |
59 | + } | |
60 | + | |
61 | + /* | |
62 | + * delete subscription | |
63 | + */ | |
64 | + public function delete(){ | |
65 | + | |
66 | + $params=array( | |
67 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name, | |
68 | + 'subscriptionName' => $this->subscription_name | |
69 | + ); | |
70 | + | |
71 | + $this->cmq_client->delete_subscription($params); | |
72 | + } | |
73 | + /* | |
74 | + * clear subscription tags | |
75 | + */ | |
76 | + public function clearFilterTags(){ | |
77 | + | |
78 | + $params=array( | |
79 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name, | |
80 | + 'subscriptionName' => $this->subscription_name | |
81 | + ); | |
82 | + | |
83 | + $this->cmq_client->clear_filterTags($params); | |
84 | + } | |
85 | + | |
86 | + | |
87 | + /* | |
88 | + * get attributes | |
89 | + * | |
90 | + * @return subscription_meta :SubscriptionMeta | |
91 | + */ | |
92 | + public function get_attributes(){ | |
93 | + $params=array( | |
94 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name, | |
95 | + 'subscriptionName' => $this->subscription_name | |
96 | + ); | |
97 | + | |
98 | + $resp = $this->cmq_client->get_subscription_attributes($params); | |
99 | + | |
100 | + $subscription_meta = new SubscriptionMeta(); | |
101 | + $this->__resp2meta($subscription_meta, $resp); | |
102 | + return $subscription_meta; | |
103 | + } | |
104 | + /* | |
105 | + * set attributes | |
106 | + * @type subscription_meta : SubscriptionMeta | |
107 | + * | |
108 | + */ | |
109 | + public function set_attributes($subscription_meta){ | |
110 | + $params = array( | |
111 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name, | |
112 | + 'subscriptionName' => $this->subscription_name | |
113 | + ); | |
114 | + if ($subscription_meta->NotifyStrategy !=""){ | |
115 | + $params['notifyStrategy'] = $subscription_meta->NotifyStrategy; | |
116 | + } | |
117 | + | |
118 | + if ($subscription_meta->NotifyContentFormat != ""){ | |
119 | + $params['notifyContentFormat']=$subscription_meta->NotifyContentFormat; | |
120 | + } | |
121 | + | |
122 | + | |
123 | + if ($subscription_meta->Endpoint != ""){ | |
124 | + $params['endpoint'] = $subscription_meta->Endpoint; | |
125 | + } | |
126 | + if($subscription_meta->Protocol !=""){ | |
127 | + $params['protocol'] = $subscription_meta->Protocol; | |
128 | + } | |
129 | + | |
130 | + if(! $subscription_meta->bindindKey != null && is_array($subscription_meta->bindindKey) && !empty($subscription_meta->bindindKey)){ | |
131 | + $n = 1; | |
132 | + foreach ($subscription_meta->bindindKey as $tag) | |
133 | + { | |
134 | + $key = 'bindindKey.' . $n; | |
135 | + $params[$key] = $tag; | |
136 | + $n += 1 ; | |
137 | + } | |
138 | + } | |
139 | + | |
140 | + if(! $subscription_meta->FilterTag != null && is_array($subscription_meta->FilterTag) && !empty($subscription_meta->FilterTag)){ | |
141 | + $n = 1; | |
142 | + foreach ($subscription_meta->FilterTag as $tag) | |
143 | + { | |
144 | + $key = 'filterTag.' . $n; | |
145 | + $params[$key] = $tag; | |
146 | + $n += 1 ; | |
147 | + } | |
148 | + } | |
149 | + | |
150 | + $this->cmq_client->set_subscription_attributes($params); | |
151 | + | |
152 | + } | |
153 | + | |
154 | + protected function __resp2meta($subscription_meta, $resp){ | |
155 | + if (isset($resp['endpoint'])) { | |
156 | + $subscription_meta->Endpoint = $resp['endpoint']; | |
157 | + } | |
158 | + if (isset($resp['protocol'])) { | |
159 | + $subscription_meta->Protocol = $resp['protocol']; | |
160 | + } | |
161 | + if (isset($resp['notifyStrategy'])) { | |
162 | + $subscription_meta->NotifyStrategy = $resp['notifyStrategy']; | |
163 | + } | |
164 | + if (isset($resp['notifyContentFormat'])) { | |
165 | + $subscription_meta->NotifyContentFormat = $resp['notifyContentFormat']; | |
166 | + } | |
167 | + | |
168 | + if( isset($resp['bindindKey'])){ | |
169 | + foreach ($resp['bindindKey'] as $tag){ | |
170 | + array_push($subscription_meta->bindindKey, $tag); | |
171 | + } | |
172 | + } | |
173 | + | |
174 | + if( isset($resp['filterTags'])){ | |
175 | + foreach ($resp['filterTags'] as $tag){ | |
176 | + array_push($subscription_meta->FilterTag, $tag); | |
177 | + } | |
178 | + } | |
179 | + | |
180 | + } | |
181 | +} | |
182 | + | |
183 | +class SubscriptionMeta | |
184 | +{ | |
185 | + // default NotifyStrategy BACKOFF_RETRY | |
186 | + // default NotifyContentFormat JSON | |
187 | + | |
188 | + /* 订阅属性 | |
189 | + @note: 可修改 | |
190 | + :: Endpoint 推送消息地址 | |
191 | + :: Protocal 协议 | |
192 | + :: FilterTag 订阅 标签 | |
193 | + :: NotifyStrategy 重试策略 | |
194 | + :: NotifyContentFormat 推送消息格式 | |
195 | + */ | |
196 | + public $Endpoint; | |
197 | + public $Protocol; | |
198 | + public $FilterTag; | |
199 | + public $NotifyStrategy; | |
200 | + public $NotifyContentFormat; | |
201 | + | |
202 | + | |
203 | + public function __construct(){ | |
204 | + $this->Endpoint = ""; | |
205 | + $this->Protocol= ""; | |
206 | + $this->FilterTag = array(); | |
207 | + $this->NotifyStrategy = "BACKOFF_RETRY"; | |
208 | + $this->NotifyContentFormat = "JSON"; | |
209 | + $this->bindindKey = array(); | |
210 | + } | |
211 | + | |
212 | + public function __toString(){ | |
213 | + $info = array( | |
214 | + "endpoint" => $this->Endpoint, | |
215 | + "protocol" => $this->Protocol, | |
216 | + "filterTag" => $this->FilterTag, | |
217 | + "notifyStrategy" => $this->NotifyStrategy, | |
218 | + "notifyContentFormat" => $this->NotifyContentFormat, | |
219 | + "bindingKey" => $this->bindindKey, | |
220 | + ); | |
221 | + return json_encode($info); | |
222 | + } | |
223 | +} | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +namespace App\Common\TencentMQ; | |
3 | + | |
4 | +class Topic | |
5 | +{ | |
6 | + private $topic_name; | |
7 | + private $cmq_client; | |
8 | + private $encoding; | |
9 | + | |
10 | + public function __construct($topic_name, $cmq_client, $encoding=false){ | |
11 | + $this->topic_name = $topic_name; | |
12 | + $this->cmq_client = $cmq_client; | |
13 | + $this->encoding = $encoding ; | |
14 | + } | |
15 | + | |
16 | + public function set_encoding($encoding){ | |
17 | + $this->encoding = $encoding; | |
18 | + } | |
19 | + | |
20 | + | |
21 | + /* | |
22 | + * create topic | |
23 | + * @type topic_meta : TopicMeta | |
24 | + * @param topic_meta : | |
25 | + */ | |
26 | + public function create($topic_meta){ | |
27 | + $params = array( | |
28 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name, | |
29 | + 'filterType'=>$topic_meta->filterType | |
30 | + ); | |
31 | + | |
32 | + if ( $topic_meta->maxMsgSize >0 ){ | |
33 | + $params['maxMsgSize'] = $topic_meta->maxMsgSize; | |
34 | + } | |
35 | + $this->cmq_client->create_topic($params); | |
36 | + } | |
37 | + /* | |
38 | + * get attributes | |
39 | + * | |
40 | + * @return topic_meta :TopicMeta | |
41 | + * | |
42 | + */ | |
43 | + public function get_attributes(){ | |
44 | + $params = array( | |
45 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name, | |
46 | + ); | |
47 | + $resp = $this->cmq_client->get_topic_attributes($params); | |
48 | + | |
49 | + $topic_meta = new TopicMeta(); | |
50 | + $this->__resp2meta($topic_meta, $resp); | |
51 | + | |
52 | + return $topic_meta; | |
53 | + } | |
54 | + | |
55 | + | |
56 | + /* | |
57 | + * set attributes | |
58 | + * | |
59 | + * @type topic_meta :TopicMeta | |
60 | + * @param topic_meta : | |
61 | + */ | |
62 | + public function set_attributes($topic_meta){ | |
63 | + | |
64 | + $params = array( | |
65 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name, | |
66 | + 'maxMsgSize' => strval($topic_meta->maxMsgSize) | |
67 | + ); | |
68 | + $this->cmq_client->set_topic_attributes($params); | |
69 | + } | |
70 | + | |
71 | + | |
72 | + /* | |
73 | + * delete topic | |
74 | + */ | |
75 | + public function delete(){ | |
76 | + $params = array( | |
77 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name | |
78 | + ); | |
79 | + $this->cmq_client->delete_topic($params); | |
80 | + } | |
81 | + | |
82 | + /* | |
83 | + * 推送消息 非批量 | |
84 | + * @type message :string | |
85 | + * @param message | |
86 | + * | |
87 | + * @type vTagList :list | |
88 | + * @param vTagList 标签 | |
89 | + * | |
90 | + * @return message handle | |
91 | + */ | |
92 | + | |
93 | + public function publish_message($message ,$vTagList= null , $routingKey = null){ | |
94 | + $params=array( | |
95 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name, | |
96 | + 'msgBody' => $message, | |
97 | + ); | |
98 | + if( $routingKey != null){ | |
99 | + $params['routingKey'] = $routingKey; | |
100 | + } | |
101 | + if ($vTagList != null && is_array($vTagList) && !empty($vTagList)) | |
102 | + { | |
103 | + $n = 1 ; | |
104 | + foreach ($vTagList as $tag){ | |
105 | + $key = 'msgTag.' . $n; | |
106 | + $params[$key]=$tag; | |
107 | + $n += 1 ; | |
108 | + } | |
109 | + } | |
110 | + $msgId = $this->cmq_client->publish_message($params); | |
111 | + | |
112 | + return $msgId; | |
113 | + } | |
114 | + | |
115 | + | |
116 | + /* | |
117 | + * 批量推送消息 | |
118 | + * @type vmessageList :list | |
119 | + * @param vmessageList: | |
120 | + * | |
121 | + * @type vtagList :list | |
122 | + * @param vtagList | |
123 | + * | |
124 | + * @return : return message handle list | |
125 | + */ | |
126 | + | |
127 | + | |
128 | + public function batch_publish_message($vmessageList, $vtagList = null ,$routingKey=null){ | |
129 | + $params = array( | |
130 | + 'topicName' => $this->topic_name, | |
131 | + ); | |
132 | + | |
133 | + if($routingKey !=null){ | |
134 | + $params['routingKey'] = $routingKey; | |
135 | + } | |
136 | + $n = 1 ; | |
137 | + if( is_array($vmessageList) && !empty($vmessageList)) | |
138 | + { | |
139 | + foreach ($vmessageList as $msg){ | |
140 | + $key = 'msgBody.' . $n ; | |
141 | + if($this->encoding){ | |
142 | + $params[$key] = base64_encode($msg); | |
143 | + } | |
144 | + else | |
145 | + { | |
146 | + $params[$key] = $msg; | |
147 | + } | |
148 | + $n += 1 ; | |
149 | + } | |
150 | + } | |
151 | + if ($vtagList != null && is_array($vtagList) && !empty($vtagList)) | |
152 | + { | |
153 | + $n = 1 ; | |
154 | + foreach ($vtagList as $tag){ | |
155 | + $key = 'msgTag.' . $n ; | |
156 | + $params[$key] = $tag ; | |
157 | + $n += 1 ; | |
158 | + } | |
159 | + } | |
160 | + | |
161 | + $msgList = $this->cmq_client->batch_publish_message($params); | |
162 | + | |
163 | + $retMessageList = array(); | |
164 | + foreach ($msgList as $msg){ | |
165 | + if(isset($msg['msgId'])){ | |
166 | + $retmsgId = $msg['msgId']; | |
167 | + $retMessageList [] = $retmsgId; | |
168 | + } | |
169 | + } | |
170 | + return $retMessageList; | |
171 | + | |
172 | + } | |
173 | + /* 列出Topic的Subscriptoin | |
174 | + | |
175 | + @type topic_name :string | |
176 | + @param topic_name: | |
177 | + | |
178 | + @type searchWord: string | |
179 | + @param searchWord: 订阅关键字 | |
180 | + | |
181 | + @type limit: int | |
182 | + @param limit: 最多返回的订阅数目 | |
183 | + | |
184 | + @type offset: string | |
185 | + @param offset: list_subscription的起始位置,上次list_subscription返回的next_offset | |
186 | + | |
187 | + @rtype: tuple | |
188 | + @return: subscriptionURL的列表和下次list subscription的起始位置; 如果所有subscription都list出来,next_offset为"". | |
189 | + */ | |
190 | + public function list_subscription($searchWord ="", $limit = -1, $offset =""){ | |
191 | + $params = array('topicName' => $this->topic_name); | |
192 | + | |
193 | + if($searchWord != ""){ | |
194 | + $params['searchWord'] = $searchWord; | |
195 | + } | |
196 | + | |
197 | + if($limit != -1){ | |
198 | + $params['limit'] = $limit; | |
199 | + } | |
200 | + | |
201 | + if($offset != ""){ | |
202 | + $params['offset'] = $offset; | |
203 | + } | |
204 | + | |
205 | + $resp = $this->cmq_client->list_subscription($params); | |
206 | + | |
207 | + if ($offset == ""){ | |
208 | + $next_offset = count($resp['subscriptionList']); | |
209 | + } | |
210 | + else{ | |
211 | + $next_offset = $offset + count($resp['subscriptionList']); | |
212 | + } | |
213 | + | |
214 | + if($next_offset >= $resp['totalCount']){ | |
215 | + $next_offset = ""; | |
216 | + } | |
217 | + | |
218 | + return array("totalCoult" => $resp['totalCount'], | |
219 | + "subscriptionList" =>$resp['subscriptionList'], | |
220 | + "next_offset" => $next_offset); | |
221 | + } | |
222 | + | |
223 | + protected function __resp2meta($topic_meta, $resp){ | |
224 | + if(isset($resp['maxMsgSize'])){ | |
225 | + $topic_meta->maxMsgSize = $resp['maxMsgSize']; | |
226 | + } | |
227 | + if(isset($resp['msgRetentionSeconds'])){ | |
228 | + $topic_meta->msgRetentionSeconds = $resp['msgRetentionSeconds']; | |
229 | + } | |
230 | + if(isset($resp['createTime'])){ | |
231 | + $topic_meta->createTime = $resp['createTime']; | |
232 | + } | |
233 | + if(isset($resp['lastModifyTime'])){ | |
234 | + $topic_meta->lastModifyTime = $resp['lastModifyTime']; | |
235 | + } | |
236 | + if(isset($resp['filterType'])){ | |
237 | + $topic_meta->filterType = $resp['filterType']; | |
238 | + } | |
239 | + | |
240 | + | |
241 | + | |
242 | + } | |
243 | +} | |
244 | + | |
245 | +class TopicMeta | |
246 | +{ | |
247 | + | |
248 | + // default maxMsgSize 65536 | |
249 | + // default msgRetentionSeconds 86400, one day | |
250 | + | |
251 | + /* 主题属性 | |
252 | + @note: 可修改 | |
253 | + :: maxMsgSize 消息最大值 | |
254 | + | |
255 | + @note: 不可修改 | |
256 | + :: msgRetentionSeconds 消息最长保存时间,默认为 一天 | |
257 | + :: createTime 创建时间 | |
258 | + :: lastModifyTime 上次修改时间 | |
259 | + */ | |
260 | + public $maxMsgSize; | |
261 | + public $msgRetentionSeconds; | |
262 | + public $createTime; | |
263 | + public $lastModifyTime; | |
264 | + | |
265 | + public function __construct(){ | |
266 | + $this->maxMsgSize = 65536 ; | |
267 | + $this->msgRetentionSeconds= 86400; | |
268 | + $this->createTime = 0; | |
269 | + $this->lastModifyTime = 0; | |
270 | + $this->filterType = 1; | |
271 | + } | |
272 | + | |
273 | + public function __toString(){ | |
274 | + $info = array( | |
275 | + "maxMsgSize" => $this->maxMsgSize, | |
276 | + "msgRetentionSeconds" => $this->msgRetentionSeconds, | |
277 | + "createTime" => $this->createTime, | |
278 | + "lastModifyTime" => $this->lastModifyTime, | |
279 | + "filterType" => $this->filterType | |
280 | + ); | |
281 | + return json_encode($info); | |
282 | + } | |
283 | +} | |
284 | + | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 10/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 6:23 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +use App\Common\Enums\LoginType; | |
12 | + | |
13 | +/** | |
14 | + * Class ThirdPartyLogin | |
15 | + * @package App\Common | |
16 | + */ | |
17 | +class ThirdPartyLogin | |
18 | +{ | |
19 | + public static function verify($openId, $accessToken, $type) | |
20 | + { | |
21 | + if ($type == LoginType::QQ) | |
22 | + { | |
23 | + return self::qq_verify($openId, $accessToken); | |
24 | + } | |
25 | + else if($type == LoginType::WECHAT) | |
26 | + { | |
27 | + return self::wechat_verify($openId, $accessToken); | |
28 | + } | |
29 | + } | |
30 | + | |
31 | + | |
32 | + private static function qq_verify($openId, $accessToken) | |
33 | + { | |
34 | + $target = "".$accessToken; | |
35 | + $result = Http::Get($target); | |
36 | + | |
37 | + if($result != null) | |
38 | + { | |
39 | + if (preg_match('/openid":"'.$openId.'"/', $result)) | |
40 | + { | |
41 | + return true; | |
42 | + } | |
43 | + } | |
44 | + | |
45 | + return false; | |
46 | + } | |
47 | + | |
48 | + private static function wechat_verify($openId, $accessToken) | |
49 | + { | |
50 | + $target = "".$accessToken."&openid=".$openId; | |
51 | + $result = Http::Get($target); | |
52 | + | |
53 | + if($result != null) | |
54 | + { | |
55 | + if (preg_match('/"errcode":0,/', $result)) | |
56 | + { | |
57 | + return true; | |
58 | + } | |
59 | + } | |
60 | + | |
61 | + return false; | |
62 | + } | |
63 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 11/03/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 11:12 AM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common\Util; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class OrderUtil | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + private static function generateOrderId() | |
15 | + { | |
16 | + $time_ms_array = explode(" ", microtime()); | |
17 | + $ms_part = sprintf("%06d", $time_ms_array[0] * 1000 * 1000); | |
18 | + $s_part = $time_ms_array[1]; | |
19 | + | |
20 | + return date('YmdHis', $s_part) . $ms_part . rand(10000000,99999999); | |
21 | + } | |
22 | + | |
23 | + public static function generateRechargeOrderId() | |
24 | + { | |
25 | + return 'ykr'.self::generateOrderId(); | |
26 | + } | |
27 | + | |
28 | + public static function generateCosumeOrderId() | |
29 | + { | |
30 | + return 'ykc'.self::generateOrderId(); | |
31 | + } | |
32 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 12/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 11:06 AM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + | |
12 | +class Utils | |
13 | +{ | |
14 | + /** | |
15 | + * @return string | |
16 | + */ | |
17 | + public static function guid() | |
18 | + { | |
19 | + $timestamp = time(); | |
20 | + $ranstr = rand(9999, 9999999999); | |
21 | + return md5($timestamp . $ranstr) . substr(md5($ranstr), 0, 8); | |
22 | + } | |
23 | + | |
24 | + /** | |
25 | + * xml转为数组 | |
26 | + */ | |
27 | + public static function xmlToArray($xmlStr) | |
28 | + { | |
29 | + $msg = array(); | |
30 | + $postStr = $xmlStr; | |
31 | + | |
32 | + $msg = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA)), true); | |
33 | + | |
34 | + return $msg; | |
35 | + } | |
36 | + | |
37 | + | |
38 | + /** | |
39 | + * @param $number | |
40 | + * @param int $precision | |
41 | + * @return float|int | |
42 | + */ | |
43 | + public static function round_up($number, $precision = 3) | |
44 | + { | |
45 | + $fig = (int) str_pad('1', $precision, '0'); | |
46 | + return (ceil($number * $fig) / $fig); | |
47 | + } | |
48 | + | |
49 | + /** | |
50 | + * @param $number | |
51 | + * @param int $precision | |
52 | + * @return float|int | |
53 | + */ | |
54 | + public static function round_down($number, $precision = 3) | |
55 | + { | |
56 | + $fig = (int) str_pad('1', $precision, '0'); | |
57 | + return (floor($number * $fig) / $fig); | |
58 | + } | |
59 | + | |
60 | + /** | |
61 | + * @param $data | |
62 | + * @param $key | |
63 | + * @return mixed | |
64 | + */ | |
65 | + public static function array_remove($data, $key) | |
66 | + { | |
67 | + if(!array_key_exists($key, $data)){ | |
68 | + return $data; | |
69 | + } | |
70 | + $keys = array_keys($data); | |
71 | + $index = array_search($key, $keys); | |
72 | + if($index !== FALSE){ | |
73 | + array_splice($data, $index, 1); | |
74 | + } | |
75 | + return $data; | |
76 | + } | |
77 | + | |
78 | + /** | |
79 | + * @param $day1 | |
80 | + * @param $day2 | |
81 | + * @return float|int | |
82 | + */ | |
83 | + public static function diffBetweenTwoDays ($day1, $day2) | |
84 | + { | |
85 | + $second1 = strtotime($day1); | |
86 | + $second2 = strtotime($day2); | |
87 | + | |
88 | + if ($second1 < $second2) { | |
89 | + $tmp = $second2; | |
90 | + $second2 = $second1; | |
91 | + $second1 = $tmp; | |
92 | + } | |
93 | + return ($second1 - $second2) / 86400; | |
94 | + } | |
95 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 09/03/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 8:33 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Common; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +/** | |
12 | + * Class WechatPay | |
13 | + * @package App\Common | |
14 | + */ | |
15 | +use App\Common\Enums\PaySource; | |
16 | + | |
17 | +/** | |
18 | + * Class WechatPay | |
19 | + * @package App\Common | |
20 | + */ | |
21 | +class WechatPay | |
22 | +{ | |
23 | + /** | |
24 | + * order Id | |
25 | + * @var | |
26 | + */ | |
27 | + private $order_id; | |
28 | + | |
29 | + /** | |
30 | + * Order price | |
31 | + * @var | |
32 | + */ | |
33 | + private $price; | |
34 | + | |
35 | + /** | |
36 | + * pay description | |
37 | + * @var | |
38 | + */ | |
39 | + private $body; | |
40 | + | |
41 | + /** | |
42 | + * @var | |
43 | + */ | |
44 | + private $pay_type; | |
45 | + | |
46 | + /** | |
47 | + * Callback Url | |
48 | + * @var | |
49 | + */ | |
50 | + private $call_back_url; | |
51 | + | |
52 | + /** | |
53 | + * Used for js and mini program | |
54 | + * @var | |
55 | + */ | |
56 | + private $open_id; | |
57 | + | |
58 | + /** | |
59 | + * @var | |
60 | + */ | |
61 | + private $refund_fee; | |
62 | + | |
63 | + /** | |
64 | + * @var | |
65 | + */ | |
66 | + private $refund_id; | |
67 | + | |
68 | + /** | |
69 | + * @var | |
70 | + */ | |
71 | + private $op_user_id; | |
72 | + | |
73 | + /** | |
74 | + * WechatPay constructor. | |
75 | + * @param $order_id | |
76 | + * @param $price | |
77 | + * @param $body | |
78 | + * @param $pay_type | |
79 | + * @param $call_back_url | |
80 | + */ | |
81 | + public function __construct($order_id="", $price=0, $body="", $call_back_url="", $pay_type=PaySource::APP) | |
82 | + { | |
83 | + $this->order_id = $order_id; | |
84 | + $this->price = $price; | |
85 | + $this->body = $body; | |
86 | + $this->call_back_url = $call_back_url; | |
87 | + $this->pay_type = $pay_type; | |
88 | + } | |
89 | + | |
90 | + /** | |
91 | + * @param mixed $pay_type | |
92 | + */ | |
93 | + public function setPayType($pay_type) | |
94 | + { | |
95 | + $this->pay_type = $pay_type; | |
96 | + } | |
97 | + | |
98 | + /** | |
99 | + * @param mixed $open_id | |
100 | + */ | |
101 | + public function setOpenId($open_id) | |
102 | + { | |
103 | + $this->open_id = $open_id; | |
104 | + } | |
105 | + | |
106 | + /** | |
107 | + * @param mixed $refund_fee | |
108 | + */ | |
109 | + public function setRefundFee($refund_fee) | |
110 | + { | |
111 | + $this->refund_fee = $refund_fee; | |
112 | + } | |
113 | + | |
114 | + /** | |
115 | + * @param mixed $op_user_id | |
116 | + */ | |
117 | + public function setOpUserId($op_user_id) | |
118 | + { | |
119 | + $this->op_user_id = $op_user_id; | |
120 | + } | |
121 | + | |
122 | + /** | |
123 | + * @param mixed $refund_id | |
124 | + */ | |
125 | + public function setRefundId($refund_id) | |
126 | + { | |
127 | + $this->refund_id = $refund_id; | |
128 | + } | |
129 | + | |
130 | + /** | |
131 | + * @param $success | |
132 | + * @param $error_messge | |
133 | + * @param string $payInfo | |
134 | + * @return array | |
135 | + */ | |
136 | + private function response($success, $error_messge, $payInfo="") | |
137 | + { | |
138 | + $result = array('success'=>$success, 'error_message'=>$error_messge, 'payInfo'=>$payInfo); | |
139 | + | |
140 | + return $result; | |
141 | + } | |
142 | + | |
143 | + | |
144 | + /** | |
145 | + * 请求微信API进行微信统一下单 | |
146 | + * URL地址: | |
147 | + */ | |
148 | + public function getUnifiedOrderInfo() | |
149 | + { | |
150 | + $check_result = $this->checkConfigParam(); | |
151 | + if (!empty($check_result)) | |
152 | + { | |
153 | + return $this->response(false, $check_result); | |
154 | + } | |
155 | + | |
156 | + $param = $this->getUnifiedOrderParam(); | |
157 | + | |
158 | + //wechat unified order request | |
159 | + $resultXmlStr = Http::WechatPostWithSecurity($param, config('constants.wechat.unified_order_url')); | |
160 | + $result = Utils::xmlToArray($resultXmlStr); | |
161 | + | |
162 | + if (!$this->checkRespSign($result)) | |
163 | + { | |
164 | + return $this->response(false, "统一下单失败"); | |
165 | + } | |
166 | + | |
167 | + switch ($this->pay_type) | |
168 | + { | |
169 | + case PaySource::APP: | |
170 | + $unifiedOrderInfo = $this->getAppUnifiedOrderInfo($result['prepay_id']); | |
171 | + break; | |
172 | + case PaySource::JS: | |
173 | + case PaySource::MINI_PROGRAM: | |
174 | + $unifiedOrderInfo = $this->getJSUnifiedOrderInfo($result['prepay_id']); | |
175 | + break; | |
176 | + case PaySource::NATIVE: | |
177 | + $unifiedOrderInfo = ['code_url' => $result['code_url']]; | |
178 | + break; | |
179 | + | |
180 | + default: | |
181 | + $unifiedOrderInfo = $this->getAppUnifiedOrderInfo($result['prepay_id']); | |
182 | + break; | |
183 | + } | |
184 | + | |
185 | + | |
186 | + $unifiedOrderInfo["sign"] = $this->sign($unifiedOrderInfo);//生成签名 | |
187 | + | |
188 | + return $this->response(true, "", $unifiedOrderInfo); | |
189 | + } | |
190 | + | |
191 | + /** | |
192 | + * @return mixed|string | |
193 | + */ | |
194 | + private function getAppId() | |
195 | + { | |
196 | + switch ($this->pay_type) | |
197 | + { | |
198 | + case PaySource::APP: | |
199 | + case PaySource::NATIVE: | |
200 | + return config('constants.wechat.app_id'); | |
201 | + break; | |
202 | + case PaySource::JS: | |
203 | + return config('constants.wechat.js_id'); | |
204 | + break; | |
205 | + case PaySource::MINI_PROGRAM: | |
206 | + return config('constants.wechat.mini_program_id'); | |
207 | + break; | |
208 | + } | |
209 | + | |
210 | + return ""; | |
211 | + } | |
212 | + | |
213 | + /** | |
214 | + * @return string | |
215 | + */ | |
216 | + private function getTradeType() | |
217 | + { | |
218 | + switch ($this->pay_type) | |
219 | + { | |
220 | + case PaySource::APP: | |
221 | + return "APP"; | |
222 | + break; | |
223 | + case PaySource::JS: | |
224 | + case PaySource::MINI_PROGRAM: | |
225 | + return "JSAPI"; | |
226 | + break; | |
227 | + case PaySource::NATIVE: | |
228 | + return "NATIVE"; | |
229 | + break; | |
230 | + default: | |
231 | + return "APP"; | |
232 | + break; | |
233 | + } | |
234 | + } | |
235 | + | |
236 | + | |
237 | + /** | |
238 | + * 获取同意下单参数 | |
239 | + * @return string | |
240 | + */ | |
241 | + private function getUnifiedOrderParam() | |
242 | + { | |
243 | + $price=sprintf("%.2f",$this->price); | |
244 | + $param = array( | |
245 | + "appid" => $this->getAppId(), | |
246 | + "body" => $this->body, | |
247 | + "mch_id" => config('constants.wechat.mch_id'), | |
248 | + "nonce_str" => $this->getNonceStr(), | |
249 | + "notify_url" => $this->call_back_url, | |
250 | + "out_trade_no" => $this->order_id, | |
251 | + "total_fee" => $price * 100, | |
252 | + "trade_type" => $this->getTradeType(), | |
253 | + ); | |
254 | + | |
255 | + if ($this->pay_type == PaySource::JS || $this->pay_type == PaySource::MINI_PROGRAM) | |
256 | + { | |
257 | + $param['openid'] = $this->open_id; | |
258 | + } | |
259 | + | |
260 | + $sign = $this->sign($param);//生成签名 | |
261 | + $param['sign'] = $sign; | |
262 | + $paramXml = "<xml>"; | |
263 | + foreach ($param as $k => $v) { | |
264 | + $paramXml .= "<" . $k . ">" . $v . "</" . $k . ">"; | |
265 | + | |
266 | + } | |
267 | + $paramXml .= "</xml>"; | |
268 | + | |
269 | + return $paramXml; | |
270 | + } | |
271 | + | |
272 | + /** | |
273 | + * @param $prepay_id | |
274 | + * @return array | |
275 | + */ | |
276 | + private function getAppUnifiedOrderInfo($prepay_id) | |
277 | + { | |
278 | + $unifiedOrderInfo = [ | |
279 | + "appid" => $this->getAppId(), | |
280 | + "noncestr" => $this->getNonceStr(), | |
281 | + "package" => "Sign=WXPay", | |
282 | + "partnerid" => config('constants.wechat.mch_id'), | |
283 | + "prepayid" => $prepay_id, | |
284 | + "timestamp" => substr(time().'',0,10) | |
285 | + ]; | |
286 | + | |
287 | + return $unifiedOrderInfo; | |
288 | + } | |
289 | + | |
290 | + /** | |
291 | + * @param $prepay_id | |
292 | + * @return array | |
293 | + */ | |
294 | + private function getJSUnifiedOrderInfo($prepay_id) | |
295 | + { | |
296 | + $unifiedOrderInfo = [ | |
297 | + "appId" => $this->getAppId(), | |
298 | + "nonceStr" => $this->getNonceStr(), | |
299 | + "package" => "prepay_id=".$prepay_id, | |
300 | + "signType" => "MD5", | |
301 | + "timeStamp" => substr(time().'',0,10) | |
302 | + ]; | |
303 | + | |
304 | + return $unifiedOrderInfo; | |
305 | + } | |
306 | + | |
307 | + | |
308 | + /** | |
309 | + * 获取随机字符串 | |
310 | + * @return string | |
311 | + */ | |
312 | + private function getNonceStr() | |
313 | + { | |
314 | + $nonceStr = md5(rand(100, 1000) . time()); | |
315 | + return $nonceStr; | |
316 | + } | |
317 | + | |
318 | + /** | |
319 | + * 检测配置信息是否完整 | |
320 | + */ | |
321 | + public function checkConfigParam() | |
322 | + { | |
323 | + | |
324 | + if ($this->getAppId() == "") { | |
325 | + return "微信APPID未配置"; | |
326 | + } elseif (config('constants.wechat.mch_id') == "") { | |
327 | + return "微信商户号MCHID未配置"; | |
328 | + } elseif (config('constants.wechat.api_key') == "") { | |
329 | + return "微信API密钥KEY未配置"; | |
330 | + } | |
331 | + | |
332 | + return ""; | |
333 | + } | |
334 | + | |
335 | + public function refund() | |
336 | + { | |
337 | + $check_result = $this->checkConfigParam(); | |
338 | + if (!empty($check_result)) | |
339 | + { | |
340 | + return $this->response(false, $check_result); | |
341 | + } | |
342 | + | |
343 | + $param = $this->getRefundInfo(); | |
344 | + | |
345 | + //wechat unified order request | |
346 | + $resultXmlStr = Http::WechatPostWithSecurity($param, config('constants.wechat.refund_url'), true); | |
347 | + $result = Utils::xmlToArray($resultXmlStr); | |
348 | + | |
349 | + if (!$this->checkRespSign($result)) | |
350 | + { | |
351 | + return $this->response(false, "退款失败"); | |
352 | + } | |
353 | + | |
354 | + return $this->response(true, "", $result); | |
355 | + } | |
356 | + | |
357 | + private function getRefundInfo() | |
358 | + { | |
359 | + $price=sprintf("%.2f",$this->price); | |
360 | + $refund_fee = sprintf("%.2f", $this->refund_fee); | |
361 | + $param = array( | |
362 | + "appid" => $this->getAppId(), | |
363 | + "mch_id" => config('constants.wechat.mch_id'), | |
364 | + "nonce_str" => $this->getNonceStr(), | |
365 | + "out_trade_no" => $this->order_id, | |
366 | + "out_refund_no" => $this->refund_id, | |
367 | + "total_fee" => $price * 100, | |
368 | + "refund_fee" => $refund_fee * 100, | |
369 | + "op_user_id" => config('constants.wechat.mch_id'), | |
370 | + ); | |
371 | + | |
372 | + $sign = $this->sign($param);//生成签名 | |
373 | + $param['sign'] = $sign; | |
374 | + $paramXml = "<xml>"; | |
375 | + foreach ($param as $k => $v) { | |
376 | + $paramXml .= "<" . $k . ">" . $v . "</" . $k . ">"; | |
377 | + | |
378 | + } | |
379 | + $paramXml .= "</xml>"; | |
380 | + | |
381 | + return $paramXml; | |
382 | + } | |
383 | + | |
384 | + | |
385 | + /** | |
386 | + * sign拼装获取 | |
387 | + * @param Array $param | |
388 | + * @return String | |
389 | + */ | |
390 | + private function sign($param) | |
391 | + { | |
392 | + ksort($param); | |
393 | + $sign = ""; | |
394 | + foreach ($param as $k => $v) { | |
395 | + if ($v != "" && !is_array($v)) | |
396 | + { | |
397 | + $sign .= $k . "=" . $v . "&"; | |
398 | + } | |
399 | + } | |
400 | + | |
401 | + $sign .= "key=" . config('constants.wechat.api_key'); | |
402 | + $sign = strtoupper(md5($sign)); | |
403 | + return $sign; | |
404 | + | |
405 | + } | |
406 | + | |
407 | + /** | |
408 | + * 检查微信回调签名 | |
409 | + * @param $param | |
410 | + * @return bool | |
411 | + */ | |
412 | + public function checkRespSign($param) | |
413 | + { | |
414 | + if ($param['return_code'] == "SUCCESS") { | |
415 | + $wxSign = $param['sign']; | |
416 | + unset($param['sign']); | |
417 | + | |
418 | + $sign = $this->sign($param);//生成签名 | |
419 | + | |
420 | + if ($this->checkSign($wxSign, $sign)) { | |
421 | + return true; | |
422 | + } else { | |
423 | + return false; | |
424 | + } | |
425 | + } else { | |
426 | + return false; | |
427 | + } | |
428 | + } | |
429 | + | |
430 | + /** | |
431 | + * @param $type | |
432 | + * @param $msg | |
433 | + * @return string | |
434 | + */ | |
435 | + public static function returnInfo($type, $msg) | |
436 | + { | |
437 | + if ($type == "SUCCESS") { | |
438 | + return $returnXml = "<xml><return_code><![CDATA[{$type}]]></return_code></xml>"; | |
439 | + } else { | |
440 | + return $returnXml = "<xml><return_code><![CDATA[{$type}]]></return_code><return_msg><![CDATA[{$msg}]]></return_msg></xml>"; | |
441 | + } | |
442 | + } | |
443 | + | |
444 | + /** | |
445 | + * 签名验证 | |
446 | + * @param $sign1 | |
447 | + * @param $sign2 | |
448 | + * @return bool | |
449 | + */ | |
450 | + private function checkSign($sign1, $sign2) | |
451 | + { | |
452 | + return trim($sign1) == trim($sign2); | |
453 | + } | |
454 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +namespace App\Console\Commands; | |
4 | + | |
5 | +use App\Modules\Models\DayIncome\DayIncome; | |
6 | +use App\Repositories\Business\RentRepository; | |
7 | +use Illuminate\Console\Command; | |
8 | + | |
9 | +class DayProfit extends Command | |
10 | +{ | |
11 | + /** | |
12 | + * The name and signature of the console command. | |
13 | + * | |
14 | + * @var string | |
15 | + */ | |
16 | + protected $signature = 'DayProfit {--day=}'; | |
17 | + | |
18 | + | |
19 | + /** | |
20 | + * The console command description. | |
21 | + * | |
22 | + * @var string | |
23 | + */ | |
24 | + protected $description = '每日的收益数据整理'; | |
25 | + | |
26 | + | |
27 | + protected $rent; | |
28 | + | |
29 | + | |
30 | + public function __construct(RentRepository $rent) | |
31 | + { | |
32 | + parent::__construct(); | |
33 | + $this->rent = $rent; | |
34 | + } | |
35 | + | |
36 | + /** | |
37 | + * Execute the console command. | |
38 | + * | |
39 | + * @return mixed | |
40 | + */ | |
41 | + public function handle() | |
42 | + { | |
43 | + // | |
44 | + $day = $this->option('day'); | |
45 | + | |
46 | + echo 'ma'.$day; | |
47 | + exit; | |
48 | + | |
49 | + } | |
50 | +} | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +namespace App\Console; | |
4 | + | |
5 | +use App\Console\Commands\DayProfit; | |
6 | +use App\Console\Commands\GetElectricity; | |
7 | +use App\Console\Commands\OrderDetection; | |
8 | +use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule; | |
9 | +use Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel as ConsoleKernel; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel | |
12 | +{ | |
13 | + /** | |
14 | + * The Artisan commands provided by your application. | |
15 | + * | |
16 | + * @var array | |
17 | + */ | |
18 | + protected $commands = [ | |
19 | + // | |
20 | + Commands\DayProfit::class, | |
21 | + ]; | |
22 | + | |
23 | + /** | |
24 | + * Define the application's command schedule. | |
25 | + * | |
26 | + * @param \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule $schedule | |
27 | + * @return void | |
28 | + */ | |
29 | + protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) | |
30 | + { | |
31 | +// $schedule->command(DayProfit::class)->everyMinute()->appendOutputTo('day.log');; | |
32 | + } | |
33 | + | |
34 | + /** | |
35 | + * Register the Closure based commands for the application. | |
36 | + * | |
37 | + * @return void | |
38 | + */ | |
39 | + protected function commands() | |
40 | + { | |
41 | + require base_path('routes/console.php'); | |
42 | + } | |
43 | +} | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<?php | |
2 | +/** | |
3 | + * Created by PhpStorm. | |
4 | + * User: billy | |
5 | + * Date: 11/02/2017 | |
6 | + * Time: 1:49 PM | |
7 | + */ | |
8 | + | |
9 | +namespace App\Exceptions\Api; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +use Exception; | |
12 | + | |
13 | +/** | |
14 | + * Class ApiException | |
15 | + * @package App\Exceptions\Api | |
16 | + */ | |
17 | +class ApiException extends Exception | |
18 | +{ | |
19 | + /** | |
20 | + * @var | |
21 | + */ | |
22 | + private $response_code; | |
23 | + | |
24 | + /** | |
25 | + * @var | |
26 | + */ | |
27 | + private $param; | |
28 | + | |
29 | + | |
30 | + /** | |
31 | + * ApiException constructor. | |
32 | + * @param string $code | |
33 | + * @param int $message | |
34 | + * @param array $param | |
35 | + * @param int $response_code | |
36 | + */ | |
37 | + public function __construct($code, $message, $param=array(), $response_code=200) | |
38 | + { | |
39 | + $this->code = $code; | |
40 | + $this->message = $message; | |
41 | + $this->param = $param; | |
42 | + $this->response_code = $response_code; | |
43 | + } | |
44 | + | |
45 | + /** | |
46 | + * @return mixed | |
47 | + */ | |
48 | + public function getResponseCode() | |
49 | + { | |
50 | + return $this->response_code; | |
51 | + } | |
52 | + | |
53 | + /** | |
54 | + * @return mixed | |
55 | + */ | |
56 | + public function getParam() | |
57 | + { | |
58 | + return $this->param; | |
59 | + } | |
60 | + | |
61 | + /** | |
62 | + * @param mixed $response_code | |
63 | + */ | |
64 | + public function setResponseCode($response_code) | |
65 | + { | |
66 | + $this->response_code = $response_code; | |
67 | + } | |
68 | + | |
69 | + /** | |
70 | + * @param mixed $param | |
71 | + */ | |
72 | + public function setParam($param) | |
73 | + { | |
74 | + $this->param = $param; | |
75 | + } | |
76 | +} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
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