menus.php 2.72 KB

return [

    | Menus Language Lines
    | The following language lines are used in menu items throughout the system.
    | Regardless where it is placed, a menu item can be listed here so it is easily
    | found in a intuitive way.

    'backend' => [
        'access' => [
            'title' => 'Gestione accessi',

            'roles' => [
                'all'        => 'Tutti i ruoli',
                'create'     => 'Crea ruolo',
                'edit'       => 'Modifica ruolo',
                'management' => 'Gestione ruoli',
                'main'       => 'Ruoli',

            'users' => [
                'all'             => 'Tutti gli utenti',
                'change-password' => 'Cambia password',
                'create'          => 'Crea utente',
                'deactivated'     => 'Utenti disattivati',
                'deleted'         => 'Utenti eliminati',
                'edit'            => 'Modifica utente',
                'main'            => 'Utenti',
                'view'            => 'View User',

        'log-viewer' => [
            'main'      => 'Log',
            'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
            'logs'      => 'Logs',

        'sidebar' => [
            'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
            'general'   => 'Generale',
            'system'    => 'System',

    'language-picker' => [
        'language' => 'Lingua',
         * Add the new language to this array.
         * The key should have the same language code as the folder name.
         * The string should be: 'Language-name-in-your-own-language (Language-name-in-English)'.
         * Be sure to add the new language in alphabetical order.
        'langs' => [
            'ar'    => 'العربية (Arabic)',
            'zh'    => '(Chinese Simplified)',
            'zh-TW' => '(Chinese Traditional)',
            'da'    => 'Danese (Danish)',
            'de'    => 'Tedesco (German)',
            'el'    => '(Greek)',
            'en'    => 'Inglese (English)',
            'es'    => 'Spagnol (Spanish)',
            'fr'    => 'Francese (French)',
            'id'    => 'Indonesiano (Indonesian)',
            'it'    => 'Italiano (Italian)',
            'ja'    => '(Japanese)',
            'nl'    => 'Olandese (Dutch)',
            'pt_BR' => 'Portoghese Brasiliano (Brazilian Portuguese)',
            'ru'    => 'Russo (Russian)',
            'sv'    => 'Svedese (Swedish)',
            'th'    => '(Thai)',
            'tr'    => '(Turkish)',