history.php 1.42 KB

return [

    | History Language Lines
    | The following language lines contain strings associated to the
    | system adding lines to the history table.

    'backend' => [
        'none'            => 'Tak ada riwayat.',
        'none_for_type'   => 'Tak ada riwayat jenis ini.',
        'none_for_entity' => 'Tak ada riwayat untuk :entity ini.',
        'recent_history'  => 'Riwayat Terbaru',

        'roles' => [
            'created' => 'peran dibuat',
            'deleted' => 'peran dihapus',
            'updated' => 'peran diperbarui',
        'users' => [
            'changed_password'    => 'sandi dirubah untuk pengguna',
            'confirmed' => 'confirmed user',
            'created'             => 'pengguna dibuat',
            'deactivated'         => 'pengguna dinonaktifkan',
            'deleted'             => 'pengguna dihapus',
            'deleted_social'      => 'deleted social account',
            'permanently_deleted' => 'pengguna dihapus permanen',
            'updated'             => 'pengguna diperbarui',
            'unconfirmed' => 'un-confirmed user',
            'reactivated'         => 'pengguna diaktifkan ulang',
            'restored'            => 'pengguna direstorasi',