LoggedOutRouteTest.php 3.48 KB

use Tests\BrowserKitTestCase;
use App\Access\Model\User\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
use App\Events\Frontend\Auth\UserConfirmed;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
use App\Notifications\Frontend\Auth\UserNeedsConfirmation;

 * Class LoggedOutRouteTest.
class LoggedOutRouteTest extends BrowserKitTestCase
     * User Logged Out Frontend.

     * Test the homepage works.
    public function testHomePage()

     * Test the macro page works.
    public function testMacroPage()
        $this->visit('/macros')->see('Macro Examples');

    public function testContactPage()
        $this->visit('/contact')->see('Contact Us');

     * Test the login page works.
    public function testLoginPage()

     * Test the register page works.
    public function testRegisterPage()

     * Test the forgot password page works.
    public function testForgotPasswordPage()
        $this->visit('password/reset')->see('Reset Password');

     * Test the dashboard page redirects to login.
    public function testDashboardPageLoggedOut()

     * Test the account page redirects to login.
    public function testAccountPageLoggedOut()

     * Create an unconfirmed user and assure the user gets
     * confirmed when hitting the confirmation route.
    public function testConfirmAccountRoute()

        // Create default user to test with
        $unconfirmed = factory(User::class)->states('unconfirmed')->create();
        $unconfirmed->attachRole(3); //User

             ->see('Your account has been successfully confirmed!')
             ->seeInDatabase(config('access.users_table'), ['email' => $unconfirmed->email, 'confirmed' => 1]);


     * Assure the user gets resent a confirmation email
     * after hitting the resend confirmation route.
    public function testResendConfirmAccountRoute()

             ->see('A new confirmation e-mail has been sent to the address on file.');


     * Test the language switcher changes the desired language in the session.
    public function testLanguageSwitcher()
        if (config('locale.status')) {
                ->assertSessionHas('locale', 'es');


     * Test the generic 404 page.
    public function test404Page()
        $response = $this->call('GET', '7g48hwbfw9eufj');
        $this->assertEquals(404, $response->getStatusCode());
        $this->assertContains('Page Not Found', $response->getContent());