LoggedOutFormTest.php 12.1 KB

use Tests\BrowserKitTestCase;
use App\Access\Model\User\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
use App\Events\Frontend\Auth\UserLoggedIn;
use App\Mail\Frontend\Contact\SendContact;
use App\Events\Frontend\Auth\UserRegistered;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
use App\Notifications\Frontend\Auth\UserNeedsConfirmation;
use App\Notifications\Frontend\Auth\UserNeedsPasswordReset;

 * Class LoggedOutFormTest.
class LoggedOutFormTest extends BrowserKitTestCase
     * Test that the errors work if nothing is filled in the registration form.
    public function testRegistrationRequiredFields()
             ->type('', 'first_name')
             ->type('', 'last_name')
             ->type('', 'email')
             ->type('', 'password')
             ->see('The first name field is required.')
             ->see('The last name field is required.')
             ->see('The email field is required.')
             ->see('The password field is required.');

     * Test the registration form
     * Test it works with confirming email on or off, and that the confirm email notification is sent
     * Note: Captcha is disabled by default in phpunit.xml.
    public function testRegistrationForm()
        // Make sure our events are fired

        config(['access.users.confirm_email' => false]);
        config(['access.users.requires_approval' => false]);

        // Create any needed resources
        $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
        $firstName = $faker->firstName;
        $lastName = $faker->lastName;
        $email = $faker->safeEmail;
        $password = $faker->password(8);

             ->type($firstName, 'first_name')
             ->type($lastName, 'last_name')
             ->type($email, 'email')
             ->type($password, 'password')
             ->type($password, 'password_confirmation')
                     'email' => $email,
                     'first_name' => $firstName,
                     'last_name' => $lastName,
                     'confirmed' => 1,


     * Test the required fields error messages when trying to register
     * without filling out the fields.
    public function testRegistrationFormConfirmationRequired()

        config(['access.users.confirm_email' => true]);
        config(['access.users.requires_approval' => false]);

        // Create any needed resources
        $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
        $firstName = $faker->firstName;
        $lastName = $faker->lastName;
        $email = $faker->safeEmail;
        $password = $faker->password(8);

            ->type($firstName, 'first_name')
            ->type($lastName, 'last_name')
            ->type($email, 'email')
            ->type($password, 'password')
            ->type($password, 'password_confirmation')
            ->see('Your account was successfully created. We have sent you an e-mail to confirm your account.')
                    'email' => $email,
                    'first_name' => $firstName,
                    'last_name' => $lastName,
                    'confirmed' => 0,

        // Get the user that was inserted into the database
        $user = User::where('email', $email)->first();

        Notification::assertSentTo([$user], UserNeedsConfirmation::class);

     * Test the registration form when account are set to be pending an approval
     * ensure they are registered but not confirmed.
    public function testRegistrationFormPendingApproval()

        // Set registration to pending approval
        config(['access.users.confirm_email' => false]);
        config(['access.users.requires_approval' => true]);

        // Create any needed resources
        $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
        $firstName = $faker->firstName;
        $lastName = $faker->lastName;
        $email = $faker->safeEmail;
        $password = $faker->password(8);

            ->type($firstName, 'first_name')
            ->type($lastName, 'last_name')
            ->type($email, 'email')
            ->type($password, 'password')
            ->type($password, 'password_confirmation')
            ->see('Your account was successfully created and is pending approval. An e-mail will be sent when your account is approved.')
                    'email' => $email,
                    'first_name' => $firstName,
                    'last_name' => $lastName,
                    'confirmed' => 0,

        // Get the user that was inserted into the database
        $user = User::where('email', $email)->first();

        Notification::assertNotSentTo([$user], UserNeedsConfirmation::class);

     * Test that the errors work if nothing is filled in the login form.
    public function testLoginRequiredFields()
             ->type('', 'email')
             ->type('', 'password')
             ->see('The email field is required.')
             ->see('The password field is required.');

     * Test that the user is logged in and redirected to the dashboard
     * Test that the admin is logged in and redirected to the backend.
    public function testLoginForm()
        // Make sure our events are fired


        //User Test
             ->type($this->user->email, 'email')
             ->type('1234', 'password')


        //Admin Test
             ->type($this->admin->email, 'email')
             ->type('1234', 'password')
             ->see('Access Management');


     * Test that the errors work if nothing is filled in the forgot password form.
    public function testForgotPasswordRequiredFields()
             ->type('', 'email')
             ->press('Send Password Reset Link')
             ->see('The email field is required.');

     * Test that the forgot password form sends the user the notification and places the
     * row in the password_resets table.
    public function testForgotPasswordForm()

             ->type($this->user->email, 'email')
             ->press('Send Password Reset Link')
             ->see('We have e-mailed your password reset link!')
             ->seeInDatabase('password_resets', ['email' => $this->user->email]);


     * Test that the errors work if nothing is filled in the reset password form.
    public function testResetPasswordRequiredFields()
        $token = $this->app->make('auth.password.broker')->createToken($this->user);

             ->type('', 'password')
             ->type('', 'password_confirmation')
             ->press('Reset Password')
             ->see('The password field is required.');

     * Test that the password reset form works and logs the user back in.
    public function testResetPasswordForm()
        $token = $this->app->make('auth.password.broker')->createToken($this->user);

             ->type('12345678', 'password')
             ->type('12345678', 'password_confirmation')
             ->press('Reset Password')

     * Test that an unconfirmed user can not login.
    public function testUnconfirmedUserCanNotLogIn()
        config(['access.users.requires_approval' => false]);

        // Create default user to test with
        $unconfirmed = factory(User::class)->states('unconfirmed')->create();
        $unconfirmed->attachRole(3); //User

             ->type($unconfirmed->email, 'email')
             ->type('secret', 'password')
             ->see('Your account is not confirmed.');

     * Test that an account this is currently pending approval can not log in.
    public function testUnconfirmedUserCanNotLogInPendingApproval()
        config(['access.users.requires_approval' => true]);

        // Create default user to test with
        $unconfirmed = factory(User::class)->states('unconfirmed')->create();
        $unconfirmed->attachRole(3); //User

            ->type($unconfirmed->email, 'email')
            ->type('secret', 'password')
            ->see('Your account is currently pending approval.');

     * Test that an inactive user can not login.
    public function testInactiveUserCanNotLogIn()
        // Create default user to test with
        $inactive = factory(User::class)->states('confirmed', 'inactive')->create();
        $inactive->attachRole(3); //User

             ->type($inactive->email, 'email')
             ->type('secret', 'password')
             ->see('Your account has been deactivated.');

     * Test that a user with invalid credentials get kicked back.
    public function testInvalidLoginCredentials()
             ->type($this->user->email, 'email')
             ->type('9s8gy8s9diguh4iev', 'password')
             ->see('These credentials do not match our records.');

     * Test the contact forms required fields.
    public function testContactFormRequiredFields()
            ->see('The name field is required.')
            ->see('The email field is required.')
            ->see('The message field is required.');

     * Test the contact form sends the mail.
    public function testContactForm()

            ->type('Admin Istrator', 'name')
            ->type('admin@admin.com', 'email')
            ->type('1112223333', 'phone')
            ->type('Hello There', 'message')
